
Mediterranean Machine Learning summer school will take place at ACT - Apply by Feb 28

We are excited to announce the third edition of the Mediterranean Machine Learning (M2L) summer school which will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece from 28 August to 2 September 2023 and will take place at the American College Thessaloniki (ACT). 

Important Dates

  • Application opening date: 1st February 2023
  • Application closing date: 28th February 2023 23:59 (AoE), or after 600 applications
  • Notification of acceptance: Early April 2023
  • Registration opening date: 24th April 2023
  • School dates: 28th August - 2nd September 2023


For details on information required and registration fees follow the link below:

Apply here

Applications from Researchers, PhD and Master’s students, and professionals with existing experience will be prioritized.


The school will be structured around 6 days of keynotes, lectures and intensive hands-on sessions on the most recent and fast developing core areas of Machine Learning with the opportunity to interact with experts in the field from all around the world. The target audience consists primarily of Master’s and Doctoral students, academics, professionals and practitioners from all around the world, with some exposure to Machine Learning / Deep Learning. Participants will be selected on the basis of merit and to promote diversity. Diversity is one of our founding values and we specifically encourage participants from underrepresented groups to apply.

The program will include social or cultural activities to foster networking. Participants will be encouraged to (optionally) present their work at poster sessions during the school and to interact with our sponsors and with each other during the coffee breaks throughout the week.

The topics covered will include Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Generative Models, Reinforcement Learning and real world applications of Deep Learning.

For more information

All information on the school and on past editions can be found on the Mediterranean Machine Learning (M2L) website:

Web: www.m2lschool.org

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Creative Writing in Marketing and Social Media


Το νέο πρόγραμμα του Lifelong Learning Center «Δημιουργική Γραφή και οι εφαρμογές της στο Μάρκετινγκ και τα Social Media» που πραγματοποιείται δια ζώσης στοχεύει να αναδείξει τον πλέον κατάλληλο τρόπο συγγραφής κειμένου για τις διαφημιστικές ανάγκες στις σύγχρονες επιχειρήσεις και την ορθή χρήση του γραπτού λόγου στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης.

Εγγραφειτε εδω

Σκοπός του προγράμματος

Σκοπός του προγράμματος είναι μέσα από πρακτικές και διαδραστικές ασκήσεις οι συμμετέχοντες να βελτιώσουν τον τρόπο γραφής διαφημιστικών κειμένων, όπως και τη διαχείριση της online πληροφορίας. Επιπλέον θα μάθουν πώς να κινούνται «επιθετικά» στον άκρως ανταγωνιστικό χώρο των social media. 

Σε ποιούς απευθύνεται

Το πρόγραμμα απευθύνεται κυρίως σε άτομα που ασχολούνται με τη διαφήμιση ή/και τα social media, σε στελέχη επικοινωνίας και δημοσίων σχέσεων, σε επιχειρηματίες, σε επαγγελματίες που παράγουν γραπτό περιεχόμενο, σε όσους ενδιαφέρονται για το copywriting, ή το digital storytelling, αλλά και σε οποιονδήποτε επιθυμεί να ασχοληθεί με τη δημιουργική γραφή και τη συγγραφή ή να κατανοήσει βαθύτερα τα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης.

Περιγραφή του Προγράμματος

Διάρκεια Προγράμματος

12 ώρες 


Δευτέρα 20/3/2023, 18:00-21:00
Τετάρτη 22/3/2023, 18:00-21:00
Δευτέρα 27/3/2023, 18:00-21:00
Τετάρτη 29/3/2023, 18:00-21:00


iordanopoulos photoΔημήτρης Ιορδανόπουλος – Σεναριογράφος, Founder της StudyLand.gr

Γεννήθηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη το 1988. Σπούδασε Κινηματογράφο -με ειδίκευση στην Σεναριογραφία- στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης και Δημιουργική Γραφή στο Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας. Τα σενάρια του «Κρύψου» και «Άλκης» βραβεύτηκαν από την Ένωση Σεναριογράφων Ελλάδος. Συμμετείχε στην παραγωγή ταινιών μικρού μήκους που διακρίθηκαν σε κινηματογραφικά φεστιβάλ σε Ελλάδα και Ευρώπη. Το 2020 εξέδωσε το πρώτο του βιβλίο, με τίτλο: «Σενάριο: Γράφοντας ταινίες και σειρές». Είναι Υπεύθυνος Digital Marketing και Social Media Manager στη «Σύγχρονη Διαγνωστική» Ηπείρου και άλλες εταιρείες. Διδάσκει κινηματογραφικό και τηλεοπτικό σενάριο, δημιουργική γραφή και δημοσιογραφία στην πλατφόρμα StudyLand.gr Παράλληλα εργάζεται ως αρθρογράφος σε κορυφαίες ελληνικές αθλητικές ιστοσελίδες, ενώ το 2016 ανέλαβε αρχισυντάκτης στο Premierleaguefans.gr


Εγγραφειτε εδω

Κόστος συμμετοχής: 180€

Ειδικές τιμές

 Early bird (για εγγραφές έως 13/3/2023) : 150€
Απόφοιτοι Anatolia High School & ACT: -10%
Εταιρική έκπτωση για 2 ή περισσότερους συμμετέχοντες από την ίδια εταιρεία: -20%

Δικαίωμα αθροιστικής έκπτωσης μέχρι 20%, εφόσον τηρούνται οι παραπάνω προϋποθέσεις.

Μετά την αποστολή της αίτησης συμμετοχής, ένας εκπρόσωπος του Lifelong Learning Center του ACT θα επικοινωνήσει μαζί σας για τη διαδικασία της εγγραφής σας στο πρόγραμμα και την πληρωμή.

Μετά την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος, οι συμμετέχοντες θα λάβουν το πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης από το Lifelong Learning Center του ACT.

Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες

Μπορείτε να επικοινωνείτε με το ACT Lifelong Learning Center στο τηλέφωνο 2310 398 430 ή μέσω email στο This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. με την ένδειξη "Creative Writing in Marketing and Social Media". 


HR Management για Ξενοδοχειακές Επιχειρήσεις


Η τουριστική βιομηχανία περιλαμβάνει έναν συνδυασμό υπηρεσιών, παροχών και δραστηριοτήτων με απώτερο σκοπό την ικανοποίηση του πελάτη. Για την ομαλή λειτουργία όλων αυτών, καθώς και για τη διασφάλιση της επιχειρησιακής συνέχειας, είναι αναγκαία η ύπαρξη του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού.

Στο νέο πρόγραμμα του Lifelong Learning Center που πραγματοποιείται εξ αποστάσεως, σε ζωντανό χρόνο θα μπορέσετε να μάθετε περισσότερα για το πώς να διαχειρίζεστε αποτελεσματικά το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό σας, στοχεύοντας στη μέτρηση και βελτιστοποίηση της απόδοσης των εργαζομένων.

Εγγραφειτε εδω

Σκοπός του προγράμματος

Σκοπός του προγράμματος είναι να δώσει στους συμμετέχοντες τα απαραίτητα εφόδια για τον σχεδιασμό θέσεων εργασίας, τον τρόπο προσέλκυσης των κατάλληλων ατόμων και το τελικό στάδιο της επιλογής. Επιπλέον, οι συμμετέχοντες θα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να μάθουν για την απαραίτητη και πολύ σημαντική διαδικασία της ένταξης του προσωπικού στις νέες θέσεις καθώς και για τη διαχείριση της απόδοσης. 

Σε ποιους απευθύνεται

Σε στελέχη του τμήματος Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού ξενοδοχειακών επιχειρήσεων καθώς και σε προϊσταμένους τμημάτων ή και διευθυντές ξενοδοχείων, που ασχολούνται με θέματα Διαχείρισης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού. 

Περιγραφή του Προγράμματος

Διάρκεια Προγράμματος

24 ώρες


20/3/2023, 17:00-21:00
22/3/2023, 17:00-21:00
27/3/2023, 17:00-21:00
29/3/2023, 17:00-21:00
3/4/2023, 17:00-21:00
5/4/2023, 17:00-21:00


Αναλυτική Θεματολογία 

Σχεδιασμός Εργασίας 

  • Οργανόγραμμα
  • Προδιαγραφή θέσεων εργασίας
  • Περιγραφή θέσεων εργασίας
  • Ανάλυση θέσεων εργασίας


  • Εξωτερική προσέλκυση
  • Εσωτερική προσέλκυση
  • Social recruitment


  • Αξιολόγηση βιογραφικών
  • Τεχνικές Συνεντεύξεων
  • Ψυχομετρικές δοκιμασίες
  • Δοκιμές στο χώρο εργασίας
  • Κέντρο αξιολόγησης
  • Έλεγχος Συστάσεων

Ένταξη Νέων Εργαζομένων

  • Εισαγωγική εκπαίδευση
  • Κοινωνικοποίηση


  • Διαχείρηση προϋπολογισμού εκπαίδευσης
  • Ανάλυση Εκπαιδευτικών αναγκών
  • On the job - Off the job training
  • Μέτρηση Αποτελεσματικότητας εκπαίδευσης 

Διαχείριση Απόδοσης 

  • Συστήματα μέτρησης και αξιολόγησης απόδοσης
  • Ετήσια και εξαμηνιαία αξιολόγηση 
  • Αξιολόγηση 180 και 360 μοιρών

Συστήματα Ανταμοιβών και Κίνητρων 

  • Συστήματα αμοιβών
  • Σύνδεση με απόδοση σε ατομικό, ομαδικό και εταιρικό επίπεδο
  • Επιπρόσθετες παροχές 

Σύχρονα θέματα Διοίκησης Ανθρωπίνου Δυναμικού 

  • Διαχείρηση Ταλέντου
  • Ανάπτυξη πιστότητας ανθρώπινου δυναμικού
  • Employer Branding


Ανέστης Αναστασίου

anestisanastasiouΟ Ανέστης Θ. Αναστασίου είναι υπεύθυνος του προγράμματος Διοίκησης Τουρισμού και Φιλοξενίας στο Αμερικάνικο Κολλέγιο Θεσσαλονίκης (ACT). Ταυτόχρονα, παρέχει εκπαιδευτικές και συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες, με εξειδίκευση στον χώρο του τουρισμού και της φιλοξενίας, μέσω της εταιρείας AA+Partners.
Είναι διπλωματούχος Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός (University College London) με μεταπτυχιακά στα Ενεργειακά Συστήματα (City University), στο Διεθνές Μάνατζμεντ (Kings College London & London School of Economics), στις Πολιτικές Επιστήμες και Οικονομικά (Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας), καθώς και κάτοχος του Proficiency in Hospitality Management (Ecole Hotelier Lausanne).

Κόστος συμμετοχής: 

Εγγραφειτε εδω

Special Online Price: 280

Απόφοιτοι Anatolia High School & ACT: -10%
Εταιρική έκπτωση για 2 ή περισσότερους συμμετέχοντες από την ίδια εταιρεία: -20%

Δικαίωμα αθροιστικής έκπτωσης μέχρι 20%, εφόσον τηρούνται οι παραπάνω προϋποθέσεις.

Μετά την αποστολή της αίτησης συμμετοχής, ένας εκπρόσωπος του Lifelong Learning Center του ACT θα επικοινωνήσει μαζί σας για τη διαδικασία της εγγραφής σας στο πρόγραμμα και την πληρωμή.

Μετά την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος, οι συμμετέχοντες θα λάβουν το πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης από το Lifelong Learning Center του ACT.

Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες

Μπορείτε να επικοινωνείτε με το ACT Lifelong Learning Center στο τηλέφωνο 2310 398 430 ή μέσω email στο This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. με την ένδειξη "HR Management για Ξενοδοχειακές Επιχειρήσεις".


Workshop: Security, Energy, and the Environment in the Eastern Mediterranean


Saturday, 18 February 2023
Bissell Library, ACT
10.30 - 15:30

Security, Energy, and the Environment in the Eastern Mediterranean:
Historical Insights and Contemporary Challenges

A workshop organized by the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences at ACT with the support of the Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center.

Sign up for free

This one-day workshop deals with issues related on the one hand with security, and on the other with energy and the environment in Greece and more broadly in the Eastern Mediterranean. It includes both historical and contemporary perspectives with a 20th and 21st century focus. It is divided into two panels: the first one problematizes questions of security at a national and supranational level taking into account the impact of new threats and technologies to the (re)conceptualization of security and sovereignty in the 21st century. The second panel turns to energy and environmental policies combining them with security concerns. The workshop organisation provides for ample time for discussion as well as interaction between students, general audience and participating scholars.

Certificates of attendance will be provided.

Keynote Address

The New Region of the Eastern Mediterranean and Greece

Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris
Professor of International Relations and Chair at the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus


Dr. Christos Aliprantis
ACT adjunct professor and postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute for Social Movements, Ruhr University, Bochum

Dr. Kalliopi Chainoglou
Assistant Professor, Department of International and European Studies at the University of Macedonia

Mr. Michalis Mathioulakis
Academic Director at the Greek Energy Forum

Dr. John Paravantis
Professor of Energy, Environment and Technology in Global Politics at the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus

among others.


10.30-10.45: Registration

10.45-11.00: Welcome by Anatolia President Dr. Panos Vlachos

First Panel: National and supranational security: historical and current perspectives

11.00-11.15: Christos Aliprantis (ACT-American College of Thessaloniki/Ruhr University Bochum): The making of security policies in the 19th and 20th century Eastern Mediterranean

11.15-11.30: Kalliopi Chainoglou (University of Macedonia): The destruction of cultural heritage in the East Med: a (new) threat to international peace and security

11.30-11.45: Eleni Kapsokoli (University of Piraeus): Cyberterrorism in the Eastern Mediterranean: the case of ISIS

11.45-12.00: John Paravantis (UPI): A history of energy security

12.00-12.30: Discussion - Moderator: Dr. Serap Kayatekin (ACT)

12.30-12.45: Coffee break

Second Panel: Energy and the environment: interdisciplinary and global perspectives

12.45-13.00: Nicoletta Kontoulis (UPI): The geopolitical dimension of energy security

13.00-13.15: Vasilis Papakostas (UPI): Energy transition and sustainability

13.15-13.30: Panagiotis Tasios (UPI): The evolution of global environmental problems

13.30-13.45: Michalis Mathioulakis (Greek energy forum): Energy Crisis: Lessons Learned and the way forward

13.45-14.15: Discussion – Moderator: Dr. Tina Mavrikos-Adamou (ACT)

14.15-14.45 Lunch break

Keynote lecture and Q&A: 14.45-15.30: Aristotle Tziampiris (UPI): The New Region of the Eastern Mediterranean and Greece 


"Marten Van Heuven 1932-2022"

The Dukakis Center mourns the passing of Marten Van Heuven, retired senior US Foreign Service Officer and former Member of the Dukakis Center Honorary Advisory Board.

Marten Van Heuven was born in Utrecht, and experienced the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands during the Second World War. His family emigrated to the United States in 1947, and he became a naturalized American citizen in due course.

Trained in History and in Law at Yale University, Mr. Van Heuven served as a Legal Advisor at the State Department and then in the Foreign Service as a Europeanist. He was posted in Berlin and Bonn, Brussels, The Hague, Geneva, and Washington, DC. He ended his career in 1989-91 with a stint as National Intelligence Officer on the National Intelligence Council. In this latter capacity he was the principal author of National Intelligence Estimate 15-90 on Yugoslavia, which concluded both that Yugoslavia would dissolve within a year and experience protracted intercommunal violence in certain regions, notably Kosovo, and that the United States and Europe would be unable to preserve Yugoslav unity.

Mr. Van Heuven spoke at the Dukakis Center in November 2004, having collaborated in the Foreign Service with former Anatolia College Richard Jackson. The visit included a Dukakis Lecture and a television appearance on ET3 with the journalist Pantelis Savvidis. Mr. Van Heuven returned to Thessaloniki in May 2008 as keynote speaker at the annual American Studies Seminar co-hosted by the Dukakis Center and the American Consulate General in Thessaloniki. 

One of the original Members of the Honorary Advisory Board of the Dukakis Center, Mr. Van Heuven was an assiduous participant in board activities until he stepped down in 2018. Said David Wisner, Executive Director of the Dukakis Center, “Marten Van Heuven was a great friend of Anatolia College and the American College of Thessaloniki, whose mission he fully endorsed. His contribution to the Dukakis Center was exemplary and his service impeccable.”

In addition to his affiliation with the Dukakis Center, Mr. Van Heuven collaborated after retirement with RAND and with the Atlantic Council. He also lectured at the National Foreign Affairs Training Center.

Per his obituary in the Washington Post, “In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to either of two organizations that embrace his personal and professional passions:”

Rest in Peace, Marten.





Marten Van Heuven 1932-2022

The Dukakis Center mourns the passing of Marten Van Heuven, retired senior US Foreign Service Officer and former Member of the Dukakis Center Honorary Advisory Board.

Marten Van Heuven was born in Utrecht, and experienced the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands during the Second World War. His family emigrated to the United States in 1947, and he became a naturalized American citizen in due course.

Trained in History and in Law at Yale University, Mr. Van Heuven served as a Legal Advisor at the State Department and then in the Foreign Service as a Europeanist. He was posted in Berlin and Bonn, Brussels, The Hague, Geneva, and Washington, DC. He ended his career in 1989-91 with a stint as National Intelligence Officer on the National Intelligence Council. In this latter capacity he was the principal author of National Intelligence Estimate 15-90 on Yugoslavia, which concluded both that Yugoslavia would dissolve within a year and experience protracted intercommunal violence in certain regions, notably Kosovo, and that the United States and Europe would be unable to preserve Yugoslav unity.

Mr. Van Heuven spoke at the Dukakis Center in November 2004, having collaborated in the Foreign Service with former Anatolia College Richard Jackson. The visit included a Dukakis Lecture and a television appearance on ET3 with the journalist Pantelis Savvidis. Mr. Van Heuven returned to Thessaloniki in May 2008 as keynote speaker at the annual American Studies Seminar co-hosted by the Dukakis Center and the American Consulate General in Thessaloniki. 

One of the original Members of the Honorary Advisory Board of the Dukakis Center, Mr. Van Heuven was an assiduous participant in board activities until he stepped down in 2018. Said David Wisner, Executive Director of the Dukakis Center, “Marten Van Heuven was a great friend of Anatolia College and the American College of Thessaloniki, whose mission he fully endorsed. His contribution to the Dukakis Center was exemplary and his service impeccable.”

In addition to his affiliation with the Dukakis Center, Mr. Van Heuven collaborated after retirement with RAND and with the Atlantic Council. He also lectured at the National Foreign Affairs Training Center.

Per his obituary in the Washington Post, “In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to either of two organizations that embrace his personal and professional passions:”

Rest in Peace, Marten.





Meet my city: Berlin by Pavlos Leptokaridis '12

Pavlos graduated from the American College of Thessaloniki in 2012, majoring in Business Administration with a double concertation in Management and Finance in 2010. After his bachelor he continued with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and graduated in 2012. He is currently working as a Team Lead-Financial Crime Operations in Deutsche Bank in Berlin.

Which is the best time to visit your city?

Springtime from the beginning of May until June, would be the best time to visit Berlin. The city is full of trees, flowers, parks and small rivers and one can fully enjoy the sightseeing throughout, either on foot or by biking.t.

On the other hand, the winter time can be really cold. Therefor one should be well prepared, since the temperatures can reach below zero degrees.

Which museum or attractions are worth visiting?

The "Museum Island" is where you may visit the most important museums in Berlin, such as the Pergamon museum and others... (Please check: Museum Island Berlin: tickets, museums & more | visitBerlin.de)

Once you are there and since the “Museum Island” is located near "Unter den Linden," visitors can enjoy a walk on the historical road towards Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag building, which is the German parliament (the walk is shorter than 2 km).

Which restaurant would you suggest?

There are thousands of restaurants in Berlin, and visitors can literally enjoy cuisines from all over the world due to the multicultural nature of its residents.

My personal choice would be Paulo Scutarro Italian Restaurant, near the famous shopping street Kurfürstendamm, which is an elegant choice if you are nearby. It needs a reservation in advance, though.

Which places would you recommend for accommodation?

I would recommend the area near the Hackescher Markt, the most hype place to visit, for those visitors who want to experience the real Berlin vibe.

For others who might prefer a high-class and elegant stay in Berlin, accommodation near SavignyPlatz and Kurfürstendamm are worth considering.

What is something worth buying?

For all gin lovers, Berlin offers a locally made high-quality organic liquor which uses cucumbers from the Spreewald - Berlin's Spree forest, crossed by various canals fed by the Spree River. Great souvenir to bring back home.

What is the best way to get to know your city? (Tourist bus, walking tour, renting a bicycle)

A combination of walking tours in the city center and biking through Tiergarten would be the best way to enjoy a city tour, depending on the weather. Alternatively, in case of bad weather, a tourist bus would give the visitors the opportunity to see the most important sightseeing. Have in mind though, that the tourist bus offer a standardize tours.

Also, you may rent a shared car in order to travel from one place to the other since such vehicles are available all over the city for anyone to pick them up. This choice may provide more flexibility and time to spend on sightseeing. Furthermore, public transportation also gives visitors the opportunity to move conveniently around the city. Finally, keep in mind that Berlin is full of rivers. Therefore, during summer and springtime, a boat tour in Berlin offers an alternative but still beautiful way to explore the city.

What is your favorite place in town?

One of my favorite places in Berlin is Tiergarten, one of the biggest parks in Berlin. It is located in the very heart of the city and lies between the famous Brandenburger Tor and Zoo Park. During spring and summertime, people visit the park to take long walks under the shadow of its huge trees, bike alone or with friends, and enjoy picnicking.

Which is your top secret place in the city you live in? 

The local street markets (flea markets - called Flohmarkt in German) are famous in Berlin. People of all ages and from all over the world tend to visit such markets during the weekends in order to buy all things related to food, like vegetables, fruits, teas, cheese, pies, etc., as well as vintage furniture, clothing, music records and almost all things related to a household.

One of the most popular markets in Berlin – during weekends - is located in Boxhagener Platz, which is in East Berlin. This is my top secret place since it provides the opportunity to meet with friends and find top-quality products like fresh meat, fresh produce, dairy, deli items, baked goods, and others (Greek products included). What is worth mentioning is that people from all over Berlin visit this market during weekends, creating a cultural blend and resulting in a wild and unique atmosphere of the market.


GestalTango in the Library

On December 1st, the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) and the Psychology Department organized the workshop “GestalTango.” The workshop was delivered in Greek in the context of PSY 202: Personality Theories.

Ms. Katia Hatzilakou, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Trainer & Supervisor, Founding member of the Gestalt Foundation, Psychotherapy and Training Center, and founding member of the Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy (HAGT), and her colleague, Mr. Fotis Telloglou, Gestalt Trainer delivered a three-hour inspirational workshop on Gestalt therapy with some Tango lessons!

ACT Gestalttango

Ms. Hatzilakou and Mr. Telloglou demonstrated how tango can encourage someone to live in the present, in the “here and now,” and rediscover the self. Students were introduced to the theory and practice of Gestalt therapy and then asked to join in a “tango experience.” The workshop aimed to provide students with essential Gestalt tools for treatment in different contexts and educate them on Gestalt as a path to personal growth and professional development. Ms. Despina Dimopoulou, Adjunct Lecturer, and Dr. Aimiliza Stefanidou, Coordinator of ACT psychology programs, attended the workshop with their PSY 202 classes. Faculty and staff also participated in the workshop.

ACT GestaltTango 1


Kiril Angelov '08, Bachelor’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Relations

Kiril Angelov attained a Bachelor’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Relations and a minor in English Language and Humanities with honors in 2008, returning to North Macedonia at the Secretariat for European Affairs, Government of the Republic of North Macedonia. Soon after, he attained his Master’s degree in European Studies and Integration from the University of Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Sociology in Skopje. While working in the Secretariat, he had the honor to work as a diplomat in the Mission of the Republic of North Macedonia in Brussels for three years. Currently, Kiril is enrolled in two universities to attain another BA and a Ph.D.: in the University of Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Sociology, to earn a Doctorate in Byzantine history and culture; and in the University of Theology, to attain a second BA. He currently holds the position of Diplomat/Adviser for science, research, education, and culture, and public administration reform, in the Secretariat for European Affairs, Government of the Republic of North Macedonia. As an aficionado of languages (having knowledge of seven languages and currently learning three more), he is finishing his first two books and also working as a freelance translator. 

The best memory I have of ACT

There are so many good memories, but just a few: when I was a student, I had the luck to live on campus; in Morley House. It was probably my most cherished time there. The campus itself is a labyrinth of hidden corners and beautiful gems of nature. And there is one moment that had been etched in my mind; every sunset on campus. An array of memories floods my senses and soul to this day. I used to sit on the ground, on benches, on the steps of the many buildings and read, study, or even watch a movie on my laptop. These memories overwhelm me and help me push forward through life. These memories will always stay with me.

Apart from these, there are fantastic memories within ACT, with the professors and the amazing people I met from all over the world. ACT allows you to meet the world on its campus, the beautiful interaction between the professors and the students, the welcoming nature of the people and Greece, and the history and culture of the country. Everything is an experience; every day at ACT is an adventure and an opportunity to learn something new. My days in Thessaloniki and Greece, were an entire lifetime spent in laughter, peace, and happiness; my own universe. 

My favorite professor was…

It would be a hard question to answer. My primary passion was and still is literature and creative writing. Although I majored in Diplomacy and International Relations and minored in English Language and Humanities, my heart always will be most devout to poetry and prose. I am eternally grateful to professors David Wisner, Maria Kyriakidou, Serap A. Kayatekin, and Anna-Maria Konsta. My life was thoroughly changed under the guidance of professors Eleni Godi, Anna Challenger, Joseph Michael Gratale, and Daphne Lamprou. 

My favorite spot on campus… 

Because I was enrolled at ACT with a full scholarship, I had the pleasure of working in Bissell Library. The library and surrounding grounds is still my favorite spot on campus; it’s where I spent most of my time, and hold my fondest memories. Being a bibliophile and linguist, the library was indeed my safe haven. My peers and professors often joked that I had a specific booth/computer I always sat at, known as “Kiril’s spot.” So people always knew where to find me because I was there from sunrise to sundown - before, between, and after classes. 

In a way, I am still there at that exact spot. Whenever I go through a particular hardship in life, I remember ACT, and like medicine to the soul, I feel inexplicably better. 

There is no way to leave this answer without mentioning a specific person who was then a librarian and is now an Executive Assistant to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs: Efstratia Chatzivasileiou. Aside from ACT as a whole, my professors, and peers, Efstratia was probably among the top three people who have helped me become the person I am today. And I am forever grateful for her being an integral part of ACT. I cannot not mention the rest of the ladies in the library (Stella, Evi, Liza, Areti); amazing people from who I learned so much. 

ACT helped me to…

be a better person, above everything. The multiculturalism at ACT is a beautiful thing. It has helped me deepen my understanding, appreciation, and respect for other people’s backgrounds, cultures, and lives. ACT enabled me to be a better diplomat. I worked in Brussels for three years as a diplomat, and everything I practiced there was taught to me at ACT. The same thing goes for my writing; I still go back to all the lessons and classes and things I have learned. And, I implement every single one of them in my daily life, whatever I do. 

ACT helped me to smile through my most challenging times. In 2019 I was diagnosed with cancer. During the surgery and chemotherapy, I used to scroll through all my photos from ACT, and I held on so tight to those memories. I strongly believe that the positive energy and warm memories saved me in a way. 

The elements that characterize the identity of ACT graduates are…

perseverance, hard work, understanding, friendship, the sense of belonging. And of course, there are certain values that are shared among the graduates that cannot be expressed in words; they have to be felt. ACT should be the ultimate choice for everyone who wishes to pursue their academic future. 

For me, ACT is…

everything. When I say this, I genuinely mean it. I came from a very financially unstable background. I was a hardworking teenager with the affinity to explore and learn languages, get lost in books, and detach from the real world. ACT has taught me how to be a part of the world, with all of my differences. ACT gave me the best four years of my life, and to this moment, there is not a single day that passes by that I do not think about my life in Greece. It is my treasure, my everything. 



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