
How do new technologies shape contemporary politics? ACT Masterclass in Belgrade

On March 23, 2023, the masterclass "Politics and New Technologies" took place at the Hyatt Hotel in Belgrade as a joint event of ACT's Division of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Department of Political Science at the University of Belgrade. It was a follow-up event to the 2019 partnership agreement between the two institutions. ACT adj. professor Dr. Christos Aliprantis and UBelgrade assistant professor Dr. Ivana Damnjanovic reflected on how technology has decisively affected and will further shape democracy in the 21st century. They also discussed the role of artificial intelligence in political participation; the political and societal impact of new modes of warfare; the sharpening of global inequalities due to technology; and the spread of misinformation and polarisation in contemporary societies primarily due to social media platforms. The event was well-attended by students at various levels of their studies; NGO professionals; educators; and technology experts, who participated in the discussion during the Q&A round.



The “Pelican Reeds”: ACT students continue to support the National Park of Lake Kerkini

By Vassilis Loukidis

After the successful and impactful trip to the National Park of Lake Kerkini a year ago, the ACT students return to repeat the volunteering initiative toward the protection of the wetland and the future of our planet! On March 12, 2023, in close collaboration with the Management Body of Kerkini and Oikoperiigitis Hotel, 20 ACT students worked toward the protection of the Dalmatian and Great White Pelican communities. Specifically, students collected and tightened up several bunches of reeds, loaded them on a truck, and transported them to the core of the National Park. The students untightened the reeds and scattered them in the area at this place, which is close to the pelicans’ community. In turn, the pelicans will pick up and use the fragments of the reeds as material to build their nests. In that manner, the pelicans overcome the difficulty of finding available tree branches since the number of local trees is declining because of overgrazing and other environmental reasons. 

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Later in the day, the ACT students moved their efforts to the dock of Kerkini village, on the west side of the lake, and collected several bags of trash, primarily plastic bottles, microplastics, and styrofoam used as equipment by fishermen. After the volunteering activities, students relaxed on a boat trip while watching flamingos wandering for food in the riparian areas of the lake.

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The objective of this school-sponsored activity was to expose students to the environmental needs of the local area and to expand their knowledge about the importance of the wetlands for our ecosystems and the threats the wetlands face. The students left with a feeling that they could both enjoy the day and make a difference. It is very optimistic that students defined the trip with very positive words.

“It was a perfect trip! Extremely worth it and well-balanced. On the volunteering side, it was productive and educational. On the recreational side, it was gorgeous and fun.”

“The trip was amazing, very educating, and engaging. A very well spent Sunday in nature and fresh air, being useful and helping out.”

 Kerkini 3682

The President of the Management Body of Kerkini Lake,  Naziridis Theodoros, the Oikoperiigitis, and other local professionals were very thankful. The ACT students are already invited to the next initiative toward the preservation efforts. The International Programs and Student Services Office is proud to support the community while fulfilling the mission and vision of ACT to “be known as the institution that contributes to society.”


  • Photos by Vassillis Loukidis 






Nikos Sarilakis '06, Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and a minor in Web Development and Multimedia

Nikos graduated from ACT in June 2006 with a B.A. in Marketing and a minor in Web Development and Multimedia. After completing his Greek military service, he moved to San Francisco in January 2008 where he completed his Master's degree in Integrated Marketing Communication at Golden Gate University.

He currently serves as a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Apple, with a focus on worldwide small business marketing. Prior to this, he was a Director of Product Marketing at Salesforce and head of marketing at Twin Prime (Acquired by Salesforce) and Sustainable Brands. In 2019, he founded GiveRoll.org, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in San Francisco with a mission to allow everyday donors to have a greater impact on the issues they assign higher priorities.

In 2012, he and a few friends founded dopios.com (now WelcomePickups.com), a community marketplace where travelers can discover authentic experiences curated by locals.

The best memory I have of ACT…

I can't recall a single best memory. If I had to pick one, it would be graduation day. It's the day you realize that everything you worked hard for came to fruition. I have so many memories, though. My best friend is the first person I met on my first day at ACT. Crazy, huh?

My favorite professor was …

There were so many that I would like to thank, and I don't know where to start. If I had to choose, though, I would pick Panos Vlachos because of his mentorship. Mr. Vlachos was my advisor and the person I owe the most for my career success. It was his advice that helped me develop my path.

My favorite spot on campus …

The Cafeteria is where we would meet with my friends and chat, compare notes, and have coffee and a bite. So many unforgettable memories from that spot. The library is a close second! Back then, it was a brand-new building, and we would spend a lot of time in the labs!

ACT helped me to…

understand my passion and where I want to be. (Physically and professionally). I'm not sure if I would live in San Francisco and work in Tech Marketing if I didn't go to ACT. So I owe a lot to the professors and staff.

For me, ACT is…

a place to discover what you want to do professionally. At ACT, you get many opportunities to find your passion. In addition, you have plenty of time to explore anything from philosophy to computer science or business. This is very important to an 18-year old who is asked to choose a path for the rest of their life.

The best part of my job is…

I work at the headquarters of one of the biggest tech companies in the world. What I love about it is the access to cutting-edge technology and incredible innovation and the impact of my work on millions of people worldwide.

I consider this an important moment in my professional journey…

My professional career had many significant moments, decisions, failures, and successes. This is true for everyone. A critical decision was when I moved to the tech space because this is what I love. But the most crucial moment was when we launched our startup, dopios.com. We had been working on this side project for many months during our evenings and weekends. That day we launched the website and started getting real web traffic and press inquiries was one of the happiest days in my professional career.

In the future, I want to…

help young professionals and entrepreneurs in Greece and the U.S. to advance their careers. In my 15-year career, I had so many mentors and supporters to help me along the way, and it's very important to me to pass this on to younger generations.


Meet my city: Thanos Karanatsios '00 & MBA '04

Thanos was born in Ptolemaida and grew up mainly in Veria, Greece until he was 18 when he moved to Thessaloniki to study his first BSc in Sports Sciences at Aristotle University. Thanos attended ACT in 1996, graduating with a BSc in Business Administration, and was awarded Best Athlete of Class 2000. He then joined the first-ever version of the ACT MBA program, graduating with a double major in Entrepreneurship and Marketing, and was once more awarded MBA Student Of The Year. During his studies, Thanos passionately served as a member and captain of the ACT varsity teams, student representative and volunteer, and member of the National Handball team, as he is a several times Champion, Cup winner, and awarded MVP/Best Handball Player nationally and internationally, even reaching the Final 4 in Europe.

Professionally, Thanos is a “good generalist,” in his words, having diverse experience working in finance, sales, marketing, and academia. After some years in the corporate world, Thanos returned to Anatolia High School as a PE teacher. However, he migrated to Switzerland in 2012 to continue studying neurosciences at the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne. There Thanos worked for the famous private school College Du Leman, for the FT ranked No1 in online executive education IMD Business School Lausanne, and for the United Nations as an expert education consultant, designing and managing courses and coaching hundreds of executives from around the world. Thanos also holds degrees in digital marketing, positive psychology, neuroimaging, business analytics, and performance analysis from the universities of Edinburgh, UEast London, St. Mary’s London, Columbia, Harvard, MIT, and more. 

Thanos is married to clinical neuropsychologist Maria Diamantoudi, an ACT alumna with studies in the USA and UK. They have a daughter and live in Geneva, Switzerland, for the past ten years.

Which is the best time to visit your city?

Geneva is a year-round destination, with many tourists landing during winter time for quick access to the world-famous ski resorts, but also a top destination during summer (especially famous amongst Middle Eastern and North African affluent families) as it provides excellent sightseeing with cool weather.

Which museum or attractions are worth visiting?

There are several options, my favourite being the Croix Rouge (Red Cross) museum and the Patek Phillippe watch museum. Furthermore, the Natural Museum is very popular with kids.

Which restaurant would you suggest?

With more than 1000 restaurants, while being one of the most expensive cities in the world to dine, the secret is to know where to go to taste good international cuisine at affordable prices. Some places are 50% cheaper and sometimes serve even better food than luxury ones! Some of my favourite are Da Paolo, and Luigia for Italian food, Khora for Greek, Le nouveau Lido’ Chez Ana’ for Spanish cuisine, Pad Thai for Thai, the area of Paquis for Lebanese street food, and a very typical Swiss-French restaurant in the city center called Café du Centre, highly recommended for seafood aficionados. Other than that, one should taste the Raclette or fondue cultural tradition, a typical Swiss culinary habit.

Which places would you recommend for accommodation?

Geneva has many options as it is a world center for business, studies, banking, non-profit organizations, etc. though arguably expensive. For a more affordable stay, one can choose neighboring France (Annemasse, Annecy). However, my favourite hotels in Geneva include Citizen M, in the city center (where a Greek employee prepares a frappe coffee for me), and on the top end, if one can afford it, the Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues (during the Laver Tennis Cup, Federer, Nadal, and Tsitsipas stayed there) overlooking the lake, and also the hotel Les Armures in the Old Town (US President Clinton stayed there).

What is something worth buying?

Definitely, the Swiss Army Knife, which I always carry in my bag and I gift to visiting friends. I suggest the Swiss Champion version, which is handy in many situations. A fun fact is that I have seen managers wearing it on their belts during business meetings, maybe signaling that “they have a solution for every problem”…! 

What is the best way to get to know your city? 

I would say take advice from the locals. Geneva is very touristy, but one can easily walk around the city in a few days. A very interesting option, which I usually reserve for friends, is buying them a Day Train Ticket, which allows for 24-hour use of any public means of transportation for the whole of Switzerland. This way, one can spend a day or two exploring Geneva, and then hop on any train (Switzerland has an excellent public transportation network!) in the morning and be at the other end of the country in 3-4 hours, stopping in between on a random city for lunch, have an Aperol in another town, and back to Geneva by midnight.

What is your favourite place in town?

My daily routine involves walking through the city and next to the lake. It is one of the greenest cities in the world, so walking around my neighborhood, an area called Rive Gauche, literally meaning left shore, based on the position of the lake (Chene-Bourg, Cologny, Vandoeurves, etc.), submerged in nature, with calm paths via greenery, overseeing the tallest mountain in Europe the Mont Blanc, and the Lake of Geneva. A representative fact is that Geneva was ranked No1 city to live in the world in 2014. 

Which is your top secret place in the city you live in?

Believe it or not, there are many designated beach spots around the lake, so I have discovered some beautiful small beaches where you can swim, nap, and have a picnic when the weather is good during spring and summertime! It is not Greece, of course, but it’s a welcome solution for us Mediterranean expats…


ACT at the MUN Rome Conference 2023

ACT students majoring in Political Science & International Relations comprised the institution’s team participating in the MUN conference in Rome from February 9-11, 2023. The three-day global event had an excellent attendance of over 600 participants. 

This year’s MUN focused on international issues, including climate change, terrorism, the global economy, and conflict resolution. Seven students from the MUN Club at ACT attended, each taking a committee role representing different countries of the United Nations. Nikitas Papadopulos, representing China, was awarded an honorable mention for the Security CouncilStavros Delakis, representing Algeria, received an honorable mention for the Economic and Financial Committee. Additionally, Jana Chapovska representing China, and Dimitra Perikou, representing Algeria, were part of the United Nations Environmental Assembly. Finally, Elena Georgievska and Mila Djonovic participated in the Economic and Financial Committee representing China and France, respectively.  

MUN Rome award

“During the conference, I was introduced to technical terminology in the field while broadening my understanding of International Politics. I enjoyed debating, socializing with individuals from different parts of the world, sharing pizza in a piazza with other delegates at the end of the day, and visiting historic landmarks of Rome.”

Stavros Delakis



Get Involved! ACT Psychology students volunteer for ELEPAP

Volunteering can be a rewarding experience both in a person’s life and the lives of others, constituting one of the essential pro-social activities.

On March 11th, five ACT Psychology students participated in an off-site volunteering event planned by ELEPAP, the oldest non-profit organization in Greece providing rehabilitation services to children (https://elepap.gr/). Ms. Eva Sarigiannidou,Director of ELEPAP, with a team of special educators and counselors of ELEPAP, welcomed the students and introduced them to the importance of drawing in child development. Our students interacted with children who made drawings under the supervision of the ELEPAP team. 

  • Psychology students can find more volunteering opportunities posted on the Psychology Bulletin Board (Stavros Constantinidis Hall, 2nd floor, outside the Faculty Lounge) or contact Dr. Stefanidou Aimiliza, Coordinator of Psychology (Stavros Constantinidis Hall, 2nd floor, Office No3).

Tourism of Tomorrow 2023 Conference: Highlighting the significance of the Human Factor

The 6th Tourism of Tomorrow Conference 2023 occurred on Friday, 17th of March, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki. The conference titled "Human Resources: The Next Challenge" focused on the role played by the human factor in the quality and development of tourism services in Greece, taking into account that in 2023, 100,000 jobs in the hospitality sector will remain vacant in the tourism industry.

Tourism of Tomorrow 2023 1

Dr. Panos Vlachos, Anatolia College President, greeted the Conference.

Tourism of Tomorrow 2023 17

Dr. Nikos Hourvouliadis, Chair, ACT, Business School, addressed introductory remarks to the audience.

 Keynote speakers Michail Toanoglou,  Professor of Hospitality and Tourism, Jeonju University, South Korea;  Katrin Melle, Regional Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Talent, EAME, Hyatt, and Michalis Kourtidis,  Senior Teaching Fellow and Course Director in HRM, Birmingham City University, UK, proposed solutions to reverse the phenomenon, described the current situation and the changes that bring to the industry the new generation's aspires and philosophy.

Tourism of Tomorrow 2023 5

Tourism of Tomorrow 2023 3

A live panel followed the presentations with HR experts who offered insight into today's industry best practices and future challenges that HR departments in Greece and globally have to address.

Tourism of Tomorrow 2023 10

HR Experts' Panel: Anestis Anastasiou, Rania Deimezi, Konstantinos Anglopoulos,  Ananda Ntotsi, Yiannis Batsis, Marietta Piska,

The panelists were Konstantinos Anglopoulos, Administrative Director | Director of Quality & HSE, Porto Carras,  Yiannis Batsis, Learning & Development Partner, EMEA, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts,  Rania Deimezi, Regional Human Resources Manager Greece EMEA Inclusive Collection, World of Hyatt,  Ananda Ntotsi, Group HR Manager, Domes Resorts,  Marietta Piska, HR Business Partner and Head of Learning & Development, H Hotels Collection. The discussion was coordinated by Anestis Anastasiou, Coordinator of Hospitality and Tourism Programs at ACT.

Among the attendees were executives from the tourism sector, workers, and students pursuing careers in Hospitality and Tourism. 

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 Tourism of Tomorrow 2023 12

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Elena Biniari, General Manager at Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki. Dr. Panos Vlachos, Anestis Anastasiou, Rania Deimezi, Konstantinos Anglopoulos, Marietta Piska, Ananda Ntotsi, Dr. Nikos Hourvouliadis.

Social Media Advertising in Depth


Tα Social Media γίνονται όλο και πιο πολύπλοκα ενώ παράλληλα οι ανάγκες μας για προώθηση προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών μέσα από αυτά όλο και μεγαλώνουν. Δεν αρκεί πλέον ένα οργανικό post ή μία απλή "χορηγούμενη" διαφήμιση χωρίς ουσιαστική γνώση και στρατηγική.

Το νέο πρόγραμμα του Lifelong Learning Center, Social Media Advertising in Depth που πραγματοποιείται δια ζώσης σας πηγαίνει ένα βήμα πιο κάτω στο marketing funnel.

Εγγραφειτε εδω

Σκοπός του προγράμματος

  • Αποφασίστε σώστα ποιον θέλετε να προσεγγίσετε και που θα τον προσεγγίσετε.
  • Χαρτογραφήστε το ταξίδι του πελάτη σας. 
  • Θέστε στόχους μάρκετινγκ και μάθετε να τους αξιολογείτε.
  • Επιλέξτε τα σωστά κανάλια στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, ενώ διατηρείτε παράλληλα την επαφή με τους πελάτες σας στο διαδίκτυο. 

Σε ποιους απευθύνεται

Επαγγελματίες που ασχολούνται με το digital marketing ή που ενδιαφέρονται να αναλάβουν εσωτερικά την ψηφιακή διαχείριση της επιχείρησής τους και έχουν μία γενικότερη γνώση των ψηφιακών μέσων και διαθέσιμων πλατφορμών.

Social media managers που θέλουν να περάσουν στο επόμενο στάδιο, προωθώντας σωστά το περιεχόμενο που δημιουργούν οι ίδιοι ή συνεργάτες τους, digital και brand strategists που ενδιαφέρονται να γνωρίζουν σε βάθος τη λειτουργικότητα των νέων μέσων στο στήσιμο καμπανιών και τη στόχευση.

Περιγραφή του Προγράμματος

Διάρκεια Προγράμματος

27 ώρες


Δευτέρα 8/5/2023, 18:00-21:00
Τετάρτη 10/5/2023, 18:00-21:00
Παρασκεύη 12/5/2023, 18:00-21:00
Δευτέρα 15/5/2023, 18:00-21:00
Τετάρτη 17/5/2023, 18:00-21:00
Παρασκευή 19/5/2023, 18:00-21:00
Δευτέρα 22/5/2023, 18:00-21:00
Πέμπτη 25/5/2023, 18:00-21:00
Παρασκευή 26/5/2023, 18:00-21:00

Αναλυτική Θεματολογία 


  • Αλλαγές στον κόσμο του Ψηφιακού Marketing
  • Social Media και Στρατηγικές Marketing 


  • Meta Advertising & Meta Business Suite
  • How do we use the Funnell
  • Bidding
  • A/B Testing
  • Buying Methods
  • Audiences
  • Pixel
  • Catalogs
  • Conversions Tracking
  • Events manager / Commerce manager
  • Inbox Management
  • Planner
  • Ad Reporting
  • Insights 

Tik Tok

  • Business Center (Setting up and Managing: Users, Assets, and Finances)
  • Advertiser accounts
  • Audiences
  • Catalogs
  • Pixels
  • TikTok accounts
  • Creating Ads
  • Analytics 


  • LinkedIn Business Manager
  • Campaign Manager
  • Accounts.
  • Campaign Groups
  • Campaigns
  • How do we use the Funnell
  • Targeting 
  • Ad Formats
  • Placements
  • Budget & schedule
  • Conversion tracking
  • Insight Tag
  • Demographics
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Lead generation forms


Νικόλαος Τσακνής I Chief Operating Officer, Digihart

papanestorosΟ Νίκος Τσακνής είναι Chief Operating Officer στη Digihart, ένα digital agency που καθοδηγεί, συμβουλεύει και βοηθά επιχειρήσεις στο Digital Marketing, το Consulting και το Advertising. Στόχος της εταιρείας είναι να μπορέσουν οι πελάτες της να αξιοποιήσουν το πραγματικό επιχειρηματικό δυναμικό τους μέσω προσαρμοσμένων ψηφιακών λύσεων και ενσωμάτωσης ψηφιακών συστημάτων. Ως έμπειρος επαγγελματίας Μάρκετινγκ & ειδικός στα Ψηφιακά μέσα, τη Διαφήμιση, τις Δημόσιες Σχέσεις έχει εργαστεί σε διάφορους κλάδους, αναπτύσσοντας και εφαρμόζοντας ψηφιακές καμπάνιες, ελέγχοντας παράλληλα την αποτελεσματικότητα και την απόδοσή τους. Είναι επίσης ο δημιουργός και Chief Operating Officer του The Butler App, της εφαρμογής που λύνει τα χέρια σε επιχειρήσεις εστίασης και υπηρεσιών στον κλάδο HoReCa, δίνοντας στους χρήστες την άμεση επαφή με την επιχείρηση και τη δυνατότητα παραγγελίας με ένα κλικ, όπου και αν βρίσκονται. Ως επαγγελματίας του χώρου με αγάπη για την τεχνολογία και τα νέα μέσα, θέλει να βοηθήσει τους συνεργάτες του να τα αξιοποιήσουν στο έπακρο και να εκμεταλλευτούν τις δυνατότητες που τους προσφέρουν ώστε να βελτιώσουν την αναγνωρισιμότητα και τις πωλήσεις τους. Ειδικεύεται στο Digital Marketing, Performance Marketing, Digital Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Payed & PPC Advertising, Marketing Management, Event Marketing, Data-Driven Creativity, Business Planning, Advertising και Sales.

Πέτρος Λυτρίβης I General Manager of Digital Operations, BGM OMD Greece

papanestorosΟ Πέτρος Λυτρίβης εντάχθηκε στην BGM OMD το 2016 και σήμερα κατέχει τη θέση του General Manager of Digital Operations.
Πριν από την BGM OMD, ο Πέτρος εργάστηκε σε ένα boutique Digital Agency, την “Cubik-S” όπου είχε την ευθύνη σημαντικών Κυπριακών Εταιρειών & Λογαριασμών, όπως το Nanobionic, Medochemie, Odelo (Online super market), Engino (Online Educational Toys), Cybarco (Luxury Property Developer) και άλλων.
Επιπλέον, έχει υπάρξει συνιδρυτής ενός lifestyle & fashion magazine το “galsnguys.gr”, μέσω του οποίου έμαθε πώς να επιλύει διάφορα επιχειρηματικά θέματα και πώς να αναπτύσσει ένα digital startup με ιδιαίτερα χαμηλό διαφημιστικό budget.
Από το Google AdWords και τις διαφημίσεις σε Facebook & Ανάλυση των data, παρομοιάζει τον εαυτό με έναν "digital ninja".
Ο Πέτρος Λυτρίβης έχει αναλάβει την ανάπτυξη του Programmatic τμήματος της εταιρείας, εξασφαλίζοντας βέλτιστα επιχειρηματικά αποτελέσματα για μεγάλες πολυεθνικές και μη εταιρείες FMCG και Ενέργειας στην Ελλάδα, όπως το ΦΥΣΙΚΟ ΑΕΡΙΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΣ, Pernod Ricard, Hasbro, HSBC, HP & PepsiCo/Tasty.
Είναι απόφοιτος του Α.Τ.Ε.Ι Πειραιά του τμήματος Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων. Στη συνέχεια ολοκλήρωσε τις μεταπτυχιακές του σπουδές στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, Southampton, όπου και διακρίθηκε με αριστεία στο τμήμα MSc Στρατηγικής Επιχειρηματικότητας. Στην παρούσα φάση σπουδάζει το δεύτερο μεταπτυχιακό του τίτλο, το MA Advertising Strategy & Planning στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Falmouth στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο.
Εκτός από την τεχνολογία, απολαμβάνει μεγάλους περιπάτους με την κόρη, τη γυναίκα & τον σκύλο του.

Θοδωρής Παπανέστορος I Executive Director of Institutional Marketing & PK-12 Enrollment, Anatolia College

papanestorosΞεκίνησε την καριέρα του ως Product Manager στο τμήμα μάρκετινγκ της NEOSET ΑΕΒΕ στα τέλη της δεκαετίας του '90 κι εργάστηκε στη βιομηχανία επίπλων για σχεδόν τρία χρόνια.
Το 2000 μπήκε στον “καθαρόαιμο” χώρο της επικοινωνίας, όταν του δόθηκε η ευκαιρία να δουλέψει σε ορισμένες από τις κορυφαίες διαφημιστικές εταιρείες του κλάδου: TBWA, UpSet!, και MullenLowe, εκ των οποίων οι δύο ήταν και πολυεθνικές. Στις εταιρείες αυτές εργάστηκε για περισσότερα από 7 χρόνια, και είχε την ευκαιρία να χειριστεί σημαντικούς Ελληνικούς και διεθνείς λογαριασμούς όπως: Citroën, SEAT, Chrysler-Jeep, Dodge , TOYOTOMI, Factory Outlet, Michelin, Oxford Company, Ράδιο Κορασίδη, ΔΕΠΑ κ.α.
Το 2007 έκανε μια νέα αλλαγή σταδιοδρομίας και προσχώρησε στο Anatolia College, όπου σήμερα κατέχει τη θέση του Executive Director of Institutional Marketing & PK-12 Enrollment, ενώ παράλληλα διδάσκει Marketing, Digital Marketing, καθώς και Advertising στο ΑCT School of Business του οργανισμού.
Είναι επίσης συνιδρυτής και Πρόεδρος του ΔΣ της Blender SkG ΑΕ, ενός boutique Ad Agency με έδρα τη Θεσσαλονίκη.
Κατέχει πτυχίο Bachelor of Science στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων με κατεύθυνση στο Marketing από το Deree College, Μεταπτυχιακό τίτλο Master of Arts στο Marketing από το Πανεπιστήμιο Middlesex της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας και PG Diploma in Digital Business από το Emeritus, σε συνεργασία με το MIT Sloan & το Columbia Business School ExecEd.


Εγγραφειτε εδω

Κόστος συμμετοχής: 360€

Ειδικές τιμές

Early bird (για εγγραφές έως 28/4/2023) : 280€
Απόφοιτοι Anatolia High School & ACT: -10%
Εταιρική έκπτωση για 2 ή περισσότερους συμμετέχοντες από την ίδια εταιρεία: -20%

Δικαίωμα αθροιστικής έκπτωσης μέχρι 20%, εφόσον τηρούνται οι παραπάνω προϋποθέσεις.

Μετά την αποστολή της αίτησης συμμετοχής, ένας εκπρόσωπος του Lifelong Learning Center του ACT θα επικοινωνήσει μαζί σας για τη διαδικασία της εγγραφής σας στο πρόγραμμα και την πληρωμή.

Μετά την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος, οι συμμετέχοντες θα λάβουν το πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης από το Lifelong Learning Center του ACT.

Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες

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Insights into the Current Energy and Security Challenges in Eastern Mediterranean

The one-day conference on ‘Security, energy, and the environment in the Eastern Mediterranean’ occurred on February 18, 2023, at the Bissell library. The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences at ACT organized the open event with the support of the Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service. The purpose of the event was to bring together experts of academia from three institutions - ACT, the University of Piraeus, and the University of Macedonia - along with a representative of the Think Tank ‘Greek Energy Forum’ to discuss current affairs related, on the one hand, to security, and, on the other, to energy and the environment in Greece and more broadly in the Eastern Mediterranean.

 The keynote speaker was Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris, Professor of International Relations and Chair at the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus and Anatolia High School Alumnus of Class 1988. His presentation was titled ‘The New Region of Eastern Mediterranean and Greece.’

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He referred to the region of the Eastern Mediterranean as ‘New’ because of the issues of energy and Great Power competition. In addition, Greece is following a new foreign policy in the region with strategic partnerships with Israel and the USA and moving into the 21st century as a force for stability and an indispensable part of the West.

The program was divided into two panels: the first focused on security questions at a national and supranational level considering the impact of new threats and technologies on the (re)conceptualization of security and sovereignty in the 21st century. The second panel turned to combine energy and environmental policies with security concerns. It began with a historical overview of energy security since the mid-20th century and then connected energy with geopolitics and sustainability in the Eastern Mediterranean setting.

Panelists included: Dr. Christos Aliprantis, ACT adjunct professor and postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute for Social Movements, Ruhr University, Bochum, Dr. Kalliopi Chainoglou, Assistant Professor, Department of International and European Studies at the University of Macedonia, Mr. Michalis Mathioulakis, Academic Director at the Greek Energy Forum, Dr. John Paravantis, Professor of Energy, Environment, and Technology in Global Politics at the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus, Dr. Eleni Kapsokoli, University of Piraeus, International and European Studies Department, Department Member, and Nicoletta Kontoulis, Vasilis Papakostas and Panagiotis Tasios from the University of Piraeus.

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Dr. David Wisner, Executive Director, Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service, Dr. Maria Kyriakidou, Chair Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dr. Christos Aliprantis, ACT adjunct professor, keynote speaker Dr. Aristotle Tziampiris, Professor of International Relations and Chair at the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Piraeus 

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Dr. Serap Kayatekin, Professor of Economics and Social Science, ACT, and Dr. Tina Mavrikos-Adamou, Adjunct Professor of Political Science and International Relations ACT, coordinated the event. 

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The event was well attended, primarily by students, who got actively engaged in the Q&A sessions that followed, and our guest speakers expressed their wish to return to ACT for future joint initiatives.

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“DNA human stories for the 21st century”. A matter of Psychology

On November 24th, the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) and the Psychology Department organized a guest lecture on "DNA human stories for the 21st century". The lecture was delivered within PSY 150: Psychophysiology of Behavior and PSY 221: Cognitive Neuroscience.

It was a great honor to have Dr. Alexandro Triantafyllidi, Professor of Dept Genetics, Development, and Molecular Biology, AUTH, as our guest speaker. The speaker was introduced to students and faculty by Dr. Theodora Panou, Adjunct Lecturer for PSY 150.
Dr. Triantafyllidis emphasized various kinds of fascinating social science that we can do when we have genetic estimates. They discussed how and to what extent genetic differences account for psychological differences. Students were fascinated to see how psychology and genetics are connected.
Ms. Anastasia Gemenetzi-Makri, Adjunct Lecturer for PSY 221, attended the guest lecture with her class.  Dr. Aimiliza Stefanidou, Coordinator of ACT psychology programs, facilitated the Q&A session that followed.



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