
Student Success

Retention rates

  • Fall 2020 to Fall 2021 retention for all degree seeking undergraduate students was 91.5%.
  • Fall 2021 to Fall 2022 retention for all degree seeking undergraduate students was 92.2%.
  • Fall 2022 to Fall 2023 retention for all degree seeking undergraduate students was 92.8%.
  • Fall 2020 to Fall 2021 retention for all graduate students was 92.2%.
  • Fall 2021 to Fall 2022 retention for all graduate students was 97.1%.
  • Fall 2022 to Fall 2023 retention for all graduate students was 95.8%.

Graduation rates

  • The six-year graduation rate for the 2015 First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen Cohort was 67.0%.
  • The six-year graduation rate for the 2016 First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen Cohort was 68.1%.
  • The six-year graduation rate for the 2017 First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen Cohort was 75.0%.
  • Graduation rate for the 2019 graduate cohort was 61.5%.
  • Graduation rate for the 2020 graduate cohort was 76.5%.
  • Graduation rate for the 2021 graduate cohort was 88.2%.



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55535, Pylaia
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 398398
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