
Dukakis Center schedule of events for November 2015

The Dukakis Center is pleased to announce its schedule of events for November 2015, as follows. All events are on campus and in English unless otherwise noted.
Monday, November 165-7 PM, New Building A-V Room
Republicans Abroad Greece and Democrats Abroad Greece
Screening of fourth Republican debate and of second 
Democratic debate

Friday, November 207-9 PM, Municipality of Thessaloniki
Jean Quatremer, EU Correspondent, Libération
"Grèce, le jour d'après"
NB Monsieur Quatremer will speak in French
Simultaneous translation in Greek will be available

Monday, November 305-6 PM, New Building A-V Room
Rebecca Fong, US Consul General of Thessaloniki
discussion on US diplomacy and foreign policy
Tuesday, December 15-7 PM, New Building A-V Room (TBC)
Dimitris Bouras (SBALA alumnus), Photo-journalist
Presentation of recent photographs from Syria and Ukraine

NUin students plant flowers at Elaiorema Park

On October 20th, forty students from Northeastern University went to Elaiorema Park to weed and plant flowers and other florae under the supervision and instruction of agriculturists and gardeners.  Student Kyle Curtis described the experience as “an opportunity to volunteer your time in order to give back and show appreciation to our host city Thessaloniki".  When asked to describe the service-learning experience in one word or sentence, students said “rewarding”, “working for others”, and in a more humorous sense “mosquitos”! 

Despite the mosquitos, students dressed in thick pants, windbreakers, and boots hunched over small but steep hills to dig holes for what they learned to be Aphrodite, Lavender plants, to discourage pests, and other florae to aid with erosion.  Student Sarah Lam said that it was rewarding to see the results of her work so immediately.  She said that as she moved on to another plant, she could see the rows of her progress that looked so ascetically pleasing.  Student Porter Warrick-Hess would not stop working until every bit of work was complete stating that this service reminded her of some previous volunteering she did on a farm.                


ACT NUin students Walk for Freedom

On October 17th, over thirty-five students from Northeastern University participated in the A21 Walk for Freedom, a global event bringing awareness to human trafficking with a site right here in Thessaloniki.  Students and locals walked slowly in a straight line for a mile, wearing black shirts with the A21 logo with tape over their mouths to symbolize the many voices of slaves that are not heard.  Some students held signs stating phrases like “#WalkForFreedom”.  Other students walked alongside or across the street from the line of and handed out flyers that stated alarming statistics about human trafficking.

Students said that the experience was “really rewarding”, “well organized”, “fun”, and “cool to be a part of something that’s a lot bigger”.  One student, Johnny Manousaridis even stated the walk “was probably the most powerful thing [he had] ever done.  Just to see so many people at the White Tower and see so many people caring for this one cause was truly inspirational and moving”.

Student Ie Jin Choi said “I feel like I am a part of this Greek society and I’d like to do this campaign again”.  Not only was the walk moving for students but awakening.  Student Pat Apiwonopas commented that “it felt really cool when I got the chance to spread awareness because the Human Trafficking Market is the third largest market in the world and not a lot of people know about it”, while student Skyler Nasrallah remarked “I didn’t realize there were that many people that were a victim of human trafficking.  People don’t realize that there is modern day slavery.” 

Even though this event was so important, students observed different reactions from the locals. One student said she was surprised by the honking cars growing impatient with police who barricaded the streets while A21walkers marched on.  Yet another student, Alex Clarke, encountered many people who wanted flyers and asked questions, showing that they were genuinely interested in the movement.  Overall, students gained a positive experience accommodated by a large group of people willing to support this cause.  Students were able to walk away learning that slavery is not an old tragedy but a current issue toxic to the whole world.  They felt rewarded to be part of something so “big” and “powerful”.


New cooperative agreements signed between ACT and STU

Two cooperative agreements have been signed, between the American College of Thessaloniki (ACT) and St. Thomas University (STU), in Miami, Florida. The agreements provide the framework for student curricular opportunities at both institutions, student and faculty exchanges, and tuition discounts.

More specifically based on these agreements, students from both institutions may spend two years at ACT and another two years at STU, in order to fulfill the curricular requirements for: a BA degree in Political Science with a Minor in International Relations, a BBA degree in Tourism and Hospitality, or a BBA degree in Sports Administration. Additionally, ACT graduates will be subject to preferential admissions criteria and tuition rates at STU’s LL.M. program in Intercultural Human Rights, a Master of Laws degree offered by STU’s Law School.

St. Thomas University is a private institution in the Miami Gardens, Florida, renowned for leadership development in justice, science, business and ministry. For more information on the BA and the LL.M.  programs, please contact Dr. Maria Kyriakidou (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). For the BBA programs you may contact Dr. Nikolas Hourvouliades (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


GreenHouse: Τριήμερο επιχειρηματικότητας στην Καβάλα από το VentureGarden

Δωρεάν εντατικό τριήμερο επιχειρηματικότητας διοργανώνει στην Καβάλα το VentureGarden, το πρόγραμμα  εκπαίδευσης και υποστήριξης νέων επιχειρηματιών που υλοποιείται από το Anatolia School of Business του ACT (American College of Thessaloniki) στη Θεσσαλονίκη και το ALBA Graduate Business School at the American College of Greece στην Αθήνα, με την υποστήριξη της Ελληνικής Πρωτοβουλίας (The Hellenic Initiative-THI). Η εκδήλωση του  GreenHouse φιλοξενείται από το Επιμελητήριο Καβάλας.

Ο σκοπός του GreenHouse, ως «θερμοκηπίου ιδεών», είναι να εξοικειώσει τους συμμετέχοντες με την επιχειρηματική σκέψη και δράση, να τους ενθαρρύνει να αναπτύξουν τις ιδέες τους, και να προσφέρει χρήσιμα εργαλεία στα πρώτα τους επιχειρηματικά βήματα. Κατά τη διάρκεια του τριημέρου η κάθε ιδέα θα εξεταστεί σε βάθος και θα ετοιμαστεί μία τελική παρουσίαση (pitch). Οι συμμετέχοντες με τις καλύτερες ιδέες θα μπορούν να παρακολουθήσουν εξ αποστάσεως (distance learning) το ολοκληρωμένο εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα του VentureGarden.

Η ομάδα του VentureGarden θα μεταφέρει πολύτιμες γνώσεις και εμπειρίες από το έργο που έχει κάνει σε περισσότερες από 140 επιχειρηματικές ιδέες σε Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη. Παράλληλα, επιχειρηματίες θα μοιραστούν με τους συμμετέχοντες τη δική τους οπτική.

Το τριήμερο απευθύνεται σε όσους επιθυμούν να καλλιεργήσουν την επιχειρηματική τους ιδέα και σε εκείνους που ενδιαφέρονται για την επιχειρηματικότητα. Η συμμετοχή μπορεί να είναι είτε ατομική είτε ομαδική. Στο GreenHouse και το VentureGarden συμμετέχουν επιχειρηματίες κάθε ηλικίας με ιδέες από ολόκληρο το φάσμα της οικονομικής δραστηριότητας.

Ο αριθμός των συμμετεχόντων είναι περιορισμένος και για αυτό θα ισχύσει σειρά προτεραιότητας. Η συμμετοχή ομάδας προϋποθέτει ότι κάθε μέλος της θα υποβάλλει ξεχωριστά δήλωση συμμετοχής.

Οι δηλώσεις συμμετοχής υποβάλλονται online στο link www.venturegarden.gr/el/greenhouse και θα γίνονται δεκτές μέχρι 11/11/2015.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε να απευθυνθείτε στο τηλ. 2310 398 347 (10π.μ. – 4μ.μ.)


The 2nd International Mediation Conference

Mediation is a powerful and innovative tool that can be applied across a huge range of dispute and conflict situations.  ACT, in collaboration with ADRg Greece and the Thessaloniki Mediation Institute, co-organized the 2nd International Mediation Conference. The event, hosted at the ACT campus, posed an invaluable networking and learning opportunity for newly trained mediators and featured speeches from renowned professionals such as the President of the Thessaloniki Bar Association Nikos Valergakis, the Director of the School of International Arbitration Prof. Loukas Mistelis,  the Chairman of the National Mediators’ Accreditation Committee Dr. Lampros Kotsiris, and the President of Anatolia College, Dr. Panos Vlachos. During the event the First PanHellenic Mediation Competition was held. A truly historical moment for Greece and ACT.


4th Thessaloniki International Symposium in World Affairs

Sunday, 18 October 2015, 10:00  - 19:00
The world in 2016 and beyond
Greece between Europe, Russia & the Middle East
Olympion, 10 Aristotelous Square
General admission: presale 5€ / at entrance 10€
Certificates of participation will be awarded.
The working language of the Symposium will be English.
Simultaneous translation in Greek will be available.
For more information and ticket presale:
Navarino Network, 3 Apellou St. / T: +30 2310 260332
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2ο Ετήσιο Συνέδριο Διαμεσολάβησης

Σάββατο 10 Οκτωβρίου 2015, Θεσσαλονίκη.
Σε συνεργασία με το Ινστιτούτο Κατάρτισης Διαμεσολαβητών Θεσσαλονίκης.
Συνδιοργάνωση με το ACT - American College of Thessaloniki.
Διαβάστε περισσότερα για το συνέδριο και τις συμμετοχές κάνοντας κλικ εδώ.

ACT Open Day

On September the 4th, the American College of Thessaloniki hosted its Open Day for all those students interested in pursuing a high quality university education. Participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the facilities of the College and to witness the presentation of ACTs undergraduate and postgraduate programs delivered by members of its faculty. On the occasion of ACTs Open Day to the public, all attendees were treated to an American barbecue and live music for their own pleasure.


The Open Day marked a unique opportunity offered to the Greek public by Anatolia College, that of acquiring a degree in an educational environment that links the United States with Europe and Greece and provides plenty of opportunities for collaboration between them. If there is one thing perspective students should take away from their visit to ACT, that is the importance of holding a degree recognized both home and abroad by the best institutions in the US and Europe.


ACT welcomes its new Study Abroad students

ACT has opened its doors again once again and kicked off the Fall 2015 Study Abroad Program by welcoming approximately 300 students from twenty different US institutions. 

We are proud to host Northeastern University’s N.U.in Greece Program at ACT for the eighth consecutive year.  Additionally, ACT is hosting a new program that was developed in conjunction with American University in Washington, DC called the Mentorship in Greece Program.  Seventeen students will participate this year along with AU faculty and staff. The aim of the program is to help students move beyond the classroom walls and better understand intercultural relationships as well as cultivate international diplomacy.   The 2015 American University and N.U.in cohorts have joined us this semester to continue the tradition of starting their college experience abroad. 

All study abroad students were welcomed by ACT faculty and staff both on and off campus.  Participants joined in the comprehensive on campus orientation aimed to orient students to academics and activities at ACT.  They were guided on an extensive campus tour, learned about the resources available at the Bissell Library, began planning their fall trip to Mt. Olympus and dove into their first hour of Greek lessons!  They were also guided on neighborhood tours, a city tour of Thessaloniki and a harbor boat ride to better learn about the history and modern-day advantages of their new home town.  

Through the International Programs Office at ACT, in conjunction with Student Services, participants have the opportunity to engage in hands-on experiences that allow each student to develop in and out of the classroom.  210 students have already been registered to participate through volunteerism at local community centers, centers for disabled children, the A21 Campaign, Melissa Orphanage, YMCA, the Thessaloniki municipal vineyard and at over 20 other organizations.  In addition to the local volunteerism, students will participate in a selection of field trips to Vergina, Athens and Delphi to provide them with a better understanding of the Greek landscape, culture and history.  Additionally, fully trained ACT students and alumni make up our qualified Residence Assistant team that works closely with students on a daily basis in order to help each person find the individual experiences that make their time at ACT unique.  This full package of experiential learning offers the ACT Study Abroad student a unique opportunity to grow as individuals through unique experiences.  We look forward to a successful semester!


17 Sevenidi St.
55535, Pylaia
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 398398
P.O.Box 21021
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.