
A guest lecture on "Personality Theories"

Mr. Haris Kamariotis, School Psychologist at Anatolia Elementary School was a guest speaker at ACT’s Psychology 101: Introduction to Psychology, Personality Theories lectures.

The guest lecture took place on Tuesday, November 26th at ACT and about 35 students attended the lecture. Dr. Aimiliza Stefanidou, Coordinator of the BSc in Psychology, considers guest lectures an important aspect of the educational experience as it promotes student engagement and would like to highlight the value of synergies that can develop within Anatolia College through these guest lectures. 


ACT Psychology students visit ELEPAP

International Day of People with Disability (December 3rd) is a United Nations-sanctioned day that aims to promote understanding of the issues experienced by people with disabilities. In that context, on Friday, December 6thDr. Aimiliza Stefanidou, Coordinator of BSc Psychology program, and Ms. Nelly Florentin, ACT Counselor, accompanied 9 psychology students on a field visit to ELEPAP at its premises in ThermiELEPAP, a Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled with six branches throughout Greece, offers a series of integrated intervention programs for infants, pre-school and school-aged children, cooperates with Public Special Schools and at the same time provides supports to their families.

Ms, Gianna Pantazi, Social Worker, welcomed ACT students and briefly talked about the major therapeutic services at ELEPAP along with the important role of Psychologists and Social Workers in the disability field. Students also had the opportunity to interact with children from the Early Educational and Therapeutical program (Unit of Special Preschool Education addressed to children from 18 months to 6 years old with motor, sensory, and developmental disorders) and participate in teacher-led educational activities by Special Education teachers, Mr. Giorgos Karavokyris and Ms. Christina Karanikou. An interactive Q&A period followed where the issues of children’s developmental difficulties and special needs, the objectives of pedagogical interventions and the challenges and rewards of working in this field were discussed. It was an interesting learning experience that provided students with valuable insights into disability and motivated them to explore volunteering and internship opportunities at ELEPAP.






A new GreenHouse in Alexandroupoli

Alexandroupolis was a new addition in the line of cities which hosted a GreenHouse startup workshop. The workshop, organized by the Entrepreneurship Hub of ACT - The American College of Thessaloniki and The Hellenic Initiative (THI) was successfully conducted in the premises of the Chamber of Evros (November, 22 - 25), and in the Municipality of the city of Didymoteiho (November, 26).

The well-attended event was organized with the collaboration of The Chamber of Evros, The Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics of the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH), and the Municipality of Didymoteiho.

The GreenHouse workshop focused on the training of startupers on how to turn a smart idea into a successful business. The 35 selected participants came individually or in teams, covering almost all areas of economic activities. The experts – business executives, entrepreneurs, startupers, professors and partners of the Democritus University of Thrace and ACT – gave participants the opportunity to obtain a good perspective on successful business practices regarding business & strategy planning, human resources management, financial tools, financial management, marketing strategy, and networking. Emphasis was given on Research and Development (R&D) that leads to innovative startups in the field of Biosciences since many participants were students of the Molecular Biology & Genetics department of the Democritus University of Thrace.

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Alexandroupolis GreenHouse was welcomed by the President of the Chamber of Evros Mr. Christodoulos Topsidis and the Vice-rector of DUTH Dr. Raphael Sandaltzopoulos. During the last two days, in collaboration with the Secondary Education Department of Evros, the Greenhouse was focused on the Lykeion students of Evros. The students attended lectures given by inspiring lecturers, businessmen, and ACT professors, about how entrepreneurship, despite the risks, can offer a prosperous and creative way of living.

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GreenHouse visited also the city of Didymoteiho, where George Kokkas, the Director of Entrepreneurship Hub, and the GreenHouse team were welcomed by the Mayor of the city, Mr. Romylos Chatzigiannoglou. Lykeion Students from the region (Didymoteiho and Soufli) were also informed about the potential, the possibilities, the risks and the thrills of entrepreneurship.



Wellness Week

In an effort to give emphasis on students’ holistic wellbeing, the Counseling Office along with the Student Government Association organized at ACT’s the new initiative "Wellness Week". ACT students had the chance to participate in a series of experiential and interactive workshops, that took place between the 18th and the 21st of November on campus, facilitated by acclaimed and experienced professionals. The aim of the workshops was to raise students’ awareness about the significance of physical and emotional wellness, to help them increase their knowledge about various types of wellbeing and gain some tips on how to develop and maintain healthy daily routines.

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Penelope Tourtoura and Menelaos Palaiodimopoulos, fitness instructors, helped the students practice breathing and stretching exercises and discussed ways they can use mindful exercise during their daily life. Nelly Florentin, ACT counselor, through experiential exercises, encouraged students to be more aware of their mental health needs and practice emotional self-care. Niki Athanasiadou, clinical dietitian and food consultant, placed emphasis on wholesome nutrition and gave tips on how students can make healthier food choices. Lastly, Chryssa Koliou, business, and personal coach facilitated a workshop that focused on how students can change their unwanted habits, design a new, healthier routine and bring the change they want in their lives.

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ACT students embraced this new initiative, showed great interest in different types of wellness and participated actively in the workshops. ACT aims at continuing organizing similar events in the future that can help students take better care of their physical, mental and emotional needs.


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Το σεμινάριο Business Strategy αποτέλεσε μια αφορμή για σκέψη & ανάλυση της διαδικασίας αξιολόγησης των ανταγωνιστικών πλεονεκτημάτων τόσο για την εταιρία μας όσο και για άλλες εταιρίες. Βασισμένο στο εξαιρετικό βιβλίο του Bruce Greenwald όπου αναλύονται δυνατά case studies ,τοποθετεί τον σπόρο σκέψης, αμφισβήτησης & νέας προσέγγισης του ανταγωνισμού. Καθοριστικός παράγοντας ο εισηγητής αλλά & η ομάδα που συγκροτείται & καλείται να «παράγει» συμπεράσματα. Η φύση του σεμιναρίου είναι δυναμική & προάγει τη σκέψη και την αντίληψη μας για τον ανταγωνισμό ένα βήμα παραπάνω.


Guest speakers for ACT’s lectures on “Brain and Behavior”

Ms. Maria Akritidou, Head of Department of Counseling and Psychological Services of Anatolia High School and Ms. Christina Lagogianni, IB Psychology Instructor at Anatolia High School were guest speakers at ACT’s Psychology 101: Introduction to Psychology, Biopsychology (“Brain and Behavior”) lectures. The topics of the lectures were how the brain, neurotransmitters, and other aspects of our biology influence our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings and why neuroplasticity is so important. The guest lectures took place on two different dates, Wednesday, October 9th and Thursday, October 10th, 2019 at ACT. About 50 students attended the two sessions and guest speakers received exceptionally positive feedback from students.

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Stewards of Democracy: Blowing the whistle on corruption

There is considerable interest these days in the role -- and plight -- of whistleblowers, be they public servants, journalists, or merely private citizens who call public attention to episodes of betrayal of the public trust, through corruption, malfeasance, negligence, or concealment. The media often cover high profile incidents, such as the current case of an anonymous official in the Administration of US President Donald J. Trump, who has drawn public attention to possible wrongdoing in the conduct of foreign policy toward Ukraine, although corruption is often mundane and ubiquitous.

What should we think of those who divulge state secrets or shed light on public corruption? Should we celebrate whistleblowers? Should we excoriate them as motivated by venality and partisan rancor? What legal status, if any, is reserved for those who blow the whistle on corruption? And what should we think of journalists who frequently risk life and limb to cover their stories, if not reveal the corruption themselves? 

The American scholar Allison Stanger has written that “genuine whistle-blowers are not partisans... They are stewards of our constitutional democracy.” We should furthermore focus not on the person delivering the message but what Stanger calls the “content of the complaint.” (In a similar fashion, Michael Schudson notes that a sense of reluctant stewardship often animates the press, who sometimes act as coguardians in matters of the public interest.)

To examine one celebrated case of a public figure who revealed corruption at the highest levels of international diplomacy, the Dukakis Center and Transparency International Greece have invited anti-corruption expert and UN whistleblower James Wasserstrom to share his experience having blown the whistle in 2007 on corruption at the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), and to join a debate featuring Nelson Graves, founder of News-Decoder, on the prevalence of whistleblowing in contemporary democratic societies.


The event is the second in an annual series of public debates on corruption and transparency organized by co-conveners Anna Damaskou, President of the Board of Transparency International Greece, and David Wisner, Executive Director of the Dukakis Center, following their September 2018 conference on whistleblowing and transparency, which featured CIA whistleblower John Kyriakou and investigative journalist Tasos Telloglou, among others.

Address media inquiries to Olga Tsantila, Media Relations Officer, Anatolia College, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Launched in September 1999 and named after the former Governor and First Lady of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Dukakis Center is dedicated to inspiring young people to take active roles in public affairs, through undergraduate training, experiential learning, and local and regional outreach.


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ACT alumni manage political campaigns, too!

Dukakis Center Director David Wisner imagines the day when the leaders of all the countries in Southeast Europe would be graduates of the American College of Thessaloniki. A new wave of ACT alumni took small but meaningful steps in that direction during the local Greek elections of May 2019.
Since its inception in 1999, the Dukakis Center has taken the lead in helping ACT students to develop their civic awareness. True to form, on Friday, November 8, the Center celebrated the exploits of five ACT alumni who became involved in the 2019 local elections. DSC 0019JPG
Joining moderator Dimitri Diamanti, ACT’s Business Liaison, Career Services & Alumni Relations Officer, were Fanis Kontoulis (Class of 1998), Sofoklis Kaltsios (‘01), Keimis Krionas (‘99), Haris Lalatsis (2005, ACT MBA 2008), and Alexandros Raptis (MBA, Class of 2019).
The discussion ranged from the routines of candidates who ran for municipal council seats in Thessaloniki and the suburbs, to the role of marketing research in support of candidates and parties. The role of social media and electronic marketing-generated considerable interest among those present in the audience, mostly a mix of ACT students, alumni, and faculty. During the second hour, Thessaloniki Mayor Konstantinos Zervas made a surprise cameo appearance, joining the panel for an extended discussion on campaigning and electioneering.rsz dsc 0047
This was the latest in an ongoing series of Dukakis Center events highlighting the contributions of our youthful protégés in local, national, and European electoral politics. In 2014 the Center hosted a round table of local and Athens-based journalists, moderated by Giorgos Toulas, for a discussion that focused on the high incidence of first-time candidates in local elections. Later that year the Center organized an exhibition of photographs of candidates for local and European elections; one of the candidates featured was none other than Konstantinos Zervas.
Then, in 2018 and again in 2019 the Dukakis Center hosted mock democratic conventions on the future of Europe for the benefit of local high school and university students.
The Dukakis Center has also facilitated students observing US elections. In 2012 a team of American and Greek interns live-blogged the reelection campaign of President Obama, culminating in an all-night vigil on Election Day. In May 2016 the Center hosted a discussion with two Democratic delegates, during which the student participants conducted a poll on the major issues in the campaign. This was followed by an Election Day gala at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
The core mission of the Dukakis Center is to inspire young people to become involved in public affairs. ACT can rightfully take pride in the accomplishments of its alumni, who are well equipped to contribute to their community regardless of major. Fanis Kontoulis, who campaigned for Mayor Zervas, captured this spirit perfectly in a social media post.


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