
Program Objectives & Employability


Our philosophy

The modules of ACT's BA in English, Communication & New Media are structured in a way that provides a sound knowledge of the relevant disciplines but also a number of transferrable skills that will enhance the profile of the English graduate with a practical and professionally oriented dimension.

Our curriculum is flexible, featuring many elective options, in order to accommodate the needs of each student in regards to their interests and their future career objectives. We aim to cater to different fields within the subject of English and thus provide the best suited basis for individual future studies and career choices, be it in teaching, publishing or media fields. All decisions made are based on this "knowledge-skills-employability" axis.

Program objectives

Following the BA in English, Communication & New Media at ACT you will be able to:

  • develop your conceptual, analytical, critical, and creative skills for academic and professional purposes;
  • learn through integrated multimedia materials and new technologies, and with a combination of theoretical and creative tasks;
  • explore innovative approaches to assessment, and follow a self-reflective approach to learning;
  • become a more astute reader, critical thinker, and effective communicator;
  • adapt to change and strive for life-long learning and self-development;
  • operate efficiently and innovatively in dynamic multicultural academic and working environments;
  • cultivate your confidence, open-mindedness, collaborative ethos and a commitment to collective and individual progress;
  • continue into postgraduate studies or work in professional settings, properly equipped with the knowledge and skills that these require.

Future employability

Graduates of English will be equipped with transferrable skills to be used in areas as diverse as teaching, PR, media, copywriting, publishing, advertising, etc. The program follows the latest professional and academic developments in these fields and aspires to maintain a pioneer academic presence in the area.

Concerning professional practices specifically, the requirements and restrictions posed by the Greek government relating to professional degree recognition has also led to the adding of more practical, hands-on components within the courses of future value in the market

With a Bachelor's degree in English, Communication & New Media from ACT you could be working in:

  • publishing - writing and editing books, marketing books, etc;
  • creative writing and scriptwriting
  • political communication
  • interpretation & translation
  • journalism
  • copywriting and editing
  • public relations
  • advertising and marketing
  • teaching english
  • various media outlets

The possibilities are endless, and you can always tailor your BA in English degree to your needs!


English Certificate Programs


Teaching English as a Foreign Language

The certificate program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is offered at two levels: Introductory and Advanced. The introductory level is open to beginners with little formal teacher training, English language proficiency certificate holders and university students or  graduates of English, and offers participants a solid grounding in current approaches to teaching English as a foreign language. The advanced level is aimed at experienced teachers of English and provides in-depth coverage of specialized subjects. Both levels include substantial hands-on practical training.

Visit the TEFL page

Content Writing and the Digital Landscape

Want to upgrade your skills in content writing? Improve your employability in the digital era?

Develop your skill set with this certificate program comprised of only 4 courses:

  • Comm 235: Essentials of Journalism: How to create meaningful content
  • Comm 233: Introduction to Journalism
  • Comm 317: Communicating Through New Media
  • English 210: Creative Writing

To learn more about the Certificate Programs currently available at ACT follow this link.


Structure of the Program


Please find below a suggested program of studies for the ACT BA in English concentrations:

To read a short description of the courses currently available follow this link.




ACT’s innovative BA in English features concentrations in Language and Literature, and Communication and New Media, giving you many career options once you graduate. The courses range from traditional literature to creative writing, film studies, digital media and storytelling so you can acquire both academic knowledge and transferable skills to work in education, publishing, content creation, media outlets, and communications. With a wide range of electives and placement opportunities, you can tailor your English degree to your desired career pathway.

Graduates of the BA in English program are eligible to apply for equivalence of their degrees to those awarded by public universities in Greece, and subsequently, for a license to teach. Graduates of the BA in English program have already successfully received professional recognition for their degrees, as well as a license to teach.

The program is delivered face-to-face, in Full-Time or Part-Time mode. Minimum duration: 4 years. For fee information, please refer to the student handbook.

Combine your English major with a minor from another division or discipline and get ahead of the game. Learn about all available minors at act.edu/undergraduate.


MS in Hospitality and Tourism Management


Remain competitive within the tourism and hospitality industry.
Enter the field for the first time as a trained professional.
You may be striving for pure personal growth, or you may want to start your own business.
You may be pursuing a top management position, or you may already be there – without the advanced business training the position demands.


MBA - Master of Business Administration


The MBA program is a general program aimed at university graduates of various disciplines including of course those with degrees in Economics, Business and related disciplines. The program aims to accommodate working professionals and the degree requirements may be completed in one or two years. Deepen your knowledge of business by following one of our four contemporary concentrations in Banking and Finance, Entrepreneurship, Management, and Marketing in the Digital Era.


Admission Requirements


To be considered for admission, candidates must:

  • Hold a Bachelor's degree
  • Demonstrate competency in the English language

Although the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) is recommended and strengthens the application, it is not required.

For more in-depth information regarding your admission and further requirements, please

read more



Who should choose the MBA at ACT?

  • Individuals who are now in management positions and wish to refine their skills and advance their careers. Managers at various levels, including senior executives, from small and large companies across industries including Manufacturing, Wholesale or Retail Trade, Transportation, Banking and Insurance, and others have successfully completed the MBA program at ACT.
  • Individuals with a university degree in Business, Economics or a related discipline who wish to hone their knowledge and learn the practical skills necessary to distinguish themselves in business and stand out from the crowd in pursuing managerial and other leadership roles.
  • Individuals whose university education is in an area other than business, but who wish to work in business and pursue managerial or leadership roles.
  • Professionals, whether attorneys, architects, pharmacists, engineers, dentists, or English language teachers (as examples) who recognize that to succeed in their chosen professions they must possess strong, practical business and leadership skills. 
  • Individuals who are associated with a family business, have started and manage or wish to launch their own business. The entrepreneurship concentration is tailored for you.
  • Individuals whose work demands an understanding of the broader Balkan market, including not only the fundamental business skills but also the particulars of doing business in the Balkans and effectively working with, managing in, and trading across countries of Southeast Europe.

Why choose the MBA at ACT?

  • A challenging program of study that develops practical skills immediately applicable in a global market.
  • A flexible program that’s tailored to your needs. Classes are held in the evenings to accommodate working professionals.
  • Courses taught by seasoned professionals with exceptional academic credentials and substantial managerial and executive leadership experience in organizations across the world and including Greece and Southeast Europe. They are in touch with current business issues, and bring a wealth of practical business knowledge, and pragmatic thinking, to the classroom.
  • The only program in Northern Greece that’s accredited by NECHE (New England Commission of Higher Education), the agency that accredits most prestigious universities such as Harvard, Yale, MIT, and Brown.
    Professional Equivalency of MBA graduates: According to law 4093/2012 and subsequent regulations (FEK 229/19/11/12 and 3324/12/12/12), degrees awarded for post-graduate programs of studies by colleges that are accredited by international organizations (including NECHE, ACT’s accreditation body), are eligible for recognition of professional equivalency to those degrees awarded by the Greek standard system of higher education. This is effective December 12, 2012.
  • World class facilities on a true college campus.
  • A program with a distinct international flavor with students from Greece, the U.S., Bulgaria, FYROM, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Germany, and Austria among others.
  • A program that provides access to the network of over 10,000 Anatolia and ACT alumni that lead industry and government organizations across the world.
  • The only program backed by over 130 years of experience in education and the name ANATOLIA.

Why do an MBA?

  • You may want to remain competitive within your own company, or you may want to change companies – or careers – altogether.
  • You may be striving for pure personal growth, or you may want to start your own business.
  • You may be pursuing a top management position in your company, or you may already be there – without the advanced business training the position demands.

An MBA can help you improve your effectiveness, expand your potential, accelerate your advancement, and raise you value – to yourself, to your current employer, or to a future employer.

An MBA can help accelerate your career and MBA graduates can usually command higher salaries.


17 Sevenidi St.
55535, Pylaia
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 398398
P.O.Box 21021
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