
Join the Pella Project

Sign up for a four-week academic summer program in Northern Greece at the American College of Thessaloniki (fully accredited by the North Eastern Association of Schools and Collages- NEASC).

A challenging, high quality program of study, with the structure and substance of a true American University. All courses, taught in English.

What is the Pella Project

The Pella Project is a rigorous academic program that offers you the chance to complete two summer courses and get up to 6 transferable college credits:

a) The world of Alexander the Great: a team-taught course focusing on ancient history, geography, art and architecture, rhetoric and philosophy, political theory and drama

b) Chose your second course from a list of summer course offerings (including language, social sciences, math, business, computer science etc.) A specially designed course just for the group can be also added.

It is also a travel experience you will never forget. You will explore a good part of mainland Greece, travel to Istanbul-Turkey, explore ancient sites and monuments and most of all your home base – the city of Thessaloniki. The package includes many fun planned events such as the following: city scavenger hunt, harbor boat ride, music and dinner night out, beach times, walks and hikes, organized athletic events etc.

Click here to find out more.


Minor in Diplomacy and International Relations


Brief Description

For non-PS&IR majors only.

Minor Requirements

To read a short description of the courses mentioned below, follow this link.

  • Politics 201
  • Politics 233
  • European Studies 210

Plus three additional PS&IR electives (to be selected in consultation with a PS&IR advisor) from the list below:

  • Politics 101
  • History 201
  • Politics 230
  • History 221
  • History 331
  • Politics 207
  • Politics 240
  • Politics 304
  • Politics 301
  • Politics 332
  • Politics 334
  • Soc sc 349
  • Soc sc 210
  • Politics 250

*Students may take Politics 101 as both a General Education Requirement and an International Relations elective.


Students may be obliged to take extra courses beyond the 40 needed to graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in order to fulfill all minor requirements.


Minor in International Business


Brief Description

The Division of Business offers the opportunity to students from other majors to pursue Minors in Human Resources Management and in Internation Business. These minors are not available to Business majors.

Minor Requirements

  • Management 101 - Introduction to Management
  • Management 218 - International Business
  • Marketing 101 - Introduction to Marketing
  • Marketing 318 - Global Marketing

2 electives from the following:

  • Business Administration 241 - Principles of Commercial Law
  • Economics 102 - Introductory Microeconomics
  • Economics 332 - International Economics
  • Finance 220 - Investment and Portfolio Management
  • Marketing 214 - Advertising
  • Marketing 324 - E-Marketing

Minor in Human Resource Management


Brief Description

The Division of Business offers the opportunity to students from other majors to pursue Minors in Human Resources Management and in International Business. These minors are not available to Business majors.

Minor Requirements

  • Management 101 - Introduction to Management
  • Management 201 - Organizational Behavior
  • Management 210 - Human Resource Management

3 electives from the following:

  • Business Administration 241 - Principles of Commercial Law
  • Economics 102 - Introductory Microeconomics
  • Management 219 - International Business
  • Marketing 200 - Principles of Public Relations

Business Division: Goals & Objectives


ACT’s programs in business are designed to lead to US-accredited BS and MBA degrees, as well as to offer a forum for communicating new insights into management and marketing research and applications among the academic, business and entrepreneurial communities of Greece & Southeast Europe. The business education envisioned by ACT is unique for its comprehensive view of management and explicit focus on fostering entrepreneurial approaches to management in the region. Graduates will have acquired an appreciation of the interactions among all elements of an organization and be ideally equipped to lead entrepreneurial activity throughout Southeast Europe over the next decades. The foremost goal of the business curriculum is to develop and strengthen students’ coherent and logical thinking processes in order to make and implement sound, ethically responsible business decisions throughout their careers.

Our Vision

Graduate Program: To provide quality education to a diverse graduate student body who will be immediately effective in cutting edge business organizations.
Undergraduate Program: To provide the highest quality business education to a diverse student body which reflects the realities of the business world.

Our Mission

Graduate Program: Our MBA programs prepare our students to be decision-makers, leaders, and entrepreneurs, ready for a broad spectrum of managerial responsibilities and/or for success as higher level professional specialists. We affirm our commitment to intellectual contributions that enhance our teaching, particularly to applied scholarship and instructional development. We employ our professional skills in service to the College, scholarly and professional organizations, the business community, and the regional community.
Undergraduate Program: Our undergraduate programs prepare our students for successful careers and life-long learning in a rapidly changing world. We guide our students in the development of their intellectual experience.

Our Stakeholders

We recognize the following stakeholders as significant partners in our success:

  • Current and potential students
  • Employers
  • The business and professional community
  • Our alumni
  • The academic community
  • Anatolia College
  • Greek public policy makers and non-profit and community organizations

Our Educational Philosophy

To prepare our students for the roles we have described we must assure their mastery of:

  • Thinking Skills: logical, critical and integrated analysis, the capacity to exercise good judgment; creative and non-traditional problem solving; and proficiency in ethical reasoning.
  • Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Competencies: e.g., information technology and quantitative skills appropriate to problem solving in real work settings.
  • Communications Skills: proficiency in oral, written, presentation, and distance communication.
  • Change Management: understanding and shaping the forces of change, including globalization, and using this understanding to formulate, evaluate, and select from alternative strategies to achieve sustainable competitive advantage for themselves and for their companies and organizations.
  • Self-Development: the capacity to engage in the effective self-management of lifelong learning to achieve continuous professional and personal growth.

Our Core Strategies

To realize our vision, to implement our mission and to act according to our educational philosophy we must:

  • Creatively intervene in the student recruitment, selection and advising process
  • Forge numerous collaborations and affiliations with leading educational institutions and organizations
  • Promote mutually beneficial partnerships and strategic alliances with our stakeholders
  • Review, reconsider and implement faculty staffing and development strategies
  • Continuously develop and enhance our curriculum

Indicative List of Strategic Alliances

  • Tippie School of Business, University of Iowa
  • California State University FRESNO
  • Ohio State University
  • University of Michigan
  • Johnson and Wales University
  • International Finance Corporation
  • World Bank
  • Greek Institute of Banking
  • Karamanlis Institute
  • Papastratou Institute
  • American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
  • Koc University
  • American University in Bulgaria
  • Deloitte
  • Mamaras & Associates
  • SANI - IKOS resorts

Experiential Learning

Tell me and I will forget,
Show me and I might remember,
Involve me and I will understand,

Following this rubric, business students are given multiple opportunities to be involved through: company visits, internship opportunities, participation in student clubs and participation in the prestigious John Pappajohn Annual Business Plan Competition which offers both graduate and undergraduate students the opportunity to test their entrepreneurial skills and earn project seed money of up to $5,000 doing so.


Hellenic-American scholarships for Study Abroad students


ACT awards a number of partial tuition scholarships to eligible Hellenic American applicants.

The award does not cover housing, orientation, field trips and study abroad fees. Criteria of selection are based on a personal essay on the candidate's Hellenic heritage and its meaning to the development of his/her personality and on academic performance judged by a student's transcript and two letters of recommendation. For more information, please click here or contact Ms. Roula Lebetli, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


30% and 50% scholarships for undergraduate studies


Especially for students in Greece who live outside Thessaloniki and will eventually have to move to the city for their studies, as well as for exceptional High School alumni with high grades.
Our new scholarships program aims to support even more prospective students:

  • Students coming from other cities will automatically receive a financial aid of 30% on their tuition upon application, given that their high school diploma was issued by a Greek High School that is not in the prefecture of Thessaloniki.
  • Students that hold a High School Diploma from Greece with a graduating grade of 17.5 or above may receive financial aid up to 50%* on their tuition upon application.
*This may not be applicable to students with substantial family income. Please contact the ACT Admissions Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +30 2310 398 239 for more information.



Lifelong Learning Center

The Lifelong Learning Center (LLC) at ACT - The American College of Thessaloniki, recognizing the need for high-quality, flexible training opportunities, offers a variety of educational programs for those who wish to advance professionally, or seek an opportunity for self-improvement. Designed with a strong emphasis on real-world application, our programs engage individuals to improve their individual and organizational effectiveness skills. The Lifelong Learning Center draws heavily on the expertise of leading professionals as well as ACT's faculty and alumni network to ensure an unmatched learning experience!

The Lifelong Learning Center programs are currently available for Greek speaking audiences as they are almost all exclusively taught in Greek. Please check the ACT homepage regularly for announcements on any programs taught in English.

Visit the Lifelong Learning Center

Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service

The mission of the Dukakis Center is to inspire young people to become involved in public affairs; train youth for leadership roles in regional and international affairs; and contribute discreetly through academic instruction, applied research, and professional outreach to US-Greek relations and cooperation in Southeast Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the larger Euro-Atlantic community.

Visit the Dukakis Center

The Entrepreneurship Hub

The Entrepreneurship Hub aims to bridge existing gaps in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and leverage on existing structures. Entrepreneurship is a team sport and the Entrepreneurship Hub acts as the glue to bring ecosystem stakeholders together and provide with a sturdy springboard for entrepreneurial activity to launch.

Visit the Entrepreneurship Hub




Gap Year at ACT


A Gap Year is a period when students, who have recently graduated from High School, take some time away from their routine to explore themselves and a new part of the world while earning college credit, meeting new people, gaining life experience and diversifying yourself from the crowd! It could be one summer, one semester or one year.  It is a time when students open their minds to new experiences in a location that facilitates exploration and cultural engagement and offers the opportunity to become actively involved in the community.  

This program is ideal for recent high school graduates who need a change of pace, a change of scenery, new motivations and horizons to reach into and explore.  This program is for someone who wants to break out of their routine and live abroad; to taste, touch, smell and live the experience.


17 Sevenidi St.
55535, Pylaia
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 398398
P.O.Box 21021
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.