
Birthright Program

For the second summer in a row, the Birthright Program that is run by the Panhellenic Scholarship Foundation, based in Chicago, allocated 20 full scholarships, to Greek Heritage students of high academic standing, giving them the opportunity to study for 5weeks in Thessaloniki at ACT.These students took part in the Pella Projcet, a study abroad program which offers a combination of studies and intensive travel. For the majority of the students this was their first time traveling to Greece and for a few it was the first time that any member of their immediate family was to return to the home country from which their grandparents had left more than two generations ago. A number of them declared that they felt "at home" the minute they set foot on Greek soil; for others "coming home" was a gradual realization. The impact of this experience was immense on each one of the students as anyone can grasp by reading the weekly blogs that students kept while in Greece.   

Enrolled in a course on the World of Alexander the Great students literally followed in Alexander's footsteps as the young prince went from being a lad to becoming the king of Macedonia. Within their short stay, the group visited Vergina, Dion, Delphi, Athens, Pella, Olynthos, Philippi and Troy. During their trip to Constantinople they also  had a chance to see Agia Sophia, the Bosporus as well as meet the Archbishop Bartholomeus in person at the Greek Patriarchy. The warm reception at ACT and their integration in the life of the campus and the life of Thessaloniki was more than they had dreamed of when setting out for this grand summer voyage. Tears and a promises to return with other Greek members of their family were shared with friends as they boarded the airplane back to the U.S., this time with a much stronger sense of who they were and with pride for their Greek heritage.


Birthright  Birthright Birthright BirthrightBirthright


The importance of being a citizen

As part of the Service Learning Program at ACT, on two consecutive Saturdays, the 28th of September and 5th October, a group of 80 ACT students helped clean up the Gardens of Pasa in Ano Poli, Thessaloniki.

This projects was organized by the YMCA as part of their «Είμαι Πολίτης και Όχι Απλά Κάτοικος» (I'm a citizen, not only a resident) project, in collaboration with the offices of the Municipality of Thessaloniki in charge of the urban environment.

The volunteers made a significant difference in the aesthetic of the gardens of Pasa, by picking up all the rubbish, weeding around the trees and plants, painting the fences of the park and sweeping away the dead leaves and branches. The students worked very hard on each day and by the end there were over 30 large rubbish bins to be disposed of.

It was a meaningful project to clean these gardens as they hold both architectural and historical value and are one of the most beautiful green places in the city that most locals don't know about. These gardens were created in 1904 and it's believed they belong to the Ag. Dimitrios hospital. The gardens have ancient fountains and monuments that are unfortunately not in use but if renovated could be a great attraction for both locals and tourists.

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3o MIW Forum από το Ελληνο-Αμερικανικό Εμπορικό Επιμελητήριο και το Anatolia School of Business

Το Ελληνο-Αμερικανικό Εμπορικό Επιμελητήριο και το Anatolia School of Business, σας προσκαλούν στο 3ο MIW Forum που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στη βιβλιοθήκη Bissell του American College of Thessaloniki (ACT), την Πέμπτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2013 από τις 15.00 έως τις 20.00.

Η διοργάνωση του forum αποτελεί μέρος μίας σειράς ενεργειών που λαμβάνουν χώρα με πρωτοβουλία της Επιτροπής Καινοτομίας, Εκπαίδευσης και Επιχειρηματικότητας του Ελληνο-Αμερικανικού Εμπορικού Επιμελητηρίου, με στόχο την προώθηση και επιχειρηματική ανάπτυξη της καινοτομίας στην Ελλάδα.

Η συμμετοχή στο Forum είναι δωρεάν. Παρακαλούμε σημειώστε ότι ο αριθμός των θέσεων είναι περιορισμένος και θα τηρηθεί αυστηρή σειρά προτεραιότητας.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες μπορείτε να καλέσετε στο 2310 286453

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Simon Bensasson (’63) on Greek crisis

You may have glimpsed him wandering around the campus this past year, tall, bearded, looking more like an ancient philosopher than an expert in European integration.

Simon Bensasson, Anatolia Class of 1963, recently retired from a senior position at the European Commission, has spent 2012-13 as the Dukakis Visiting Professor in Public Policy, responsible for teaching senior seminars in advanced journalism and European politics, and representing ACT and the Dukakis Center at public functions.

One of the Dukakis Center interns for spring 2013, study abroad student Nikki Kapogiannis, interviewed Simon Bensasson in March 2013 on the sovereign debt crisis in Greece for Politis, the blog of the Dukakis Center. We publish excerpts from that interview below.

Q: Mr Bensasson, what is the crisis all about?
Α: The Euro crisis is a global crisis and this is because the world economy is so interconnected. The euro crisis has three dimensions to it. Firstly, it is part of a crisis of the economies of the West. The countries of the West consume more than they produce. The US being a single country with a huge economy and a single currency is able to cope with this better than anybody else – especially as world trade is mostly carried out with US Dollars. This is not the case with Europe and the EU.

Q: What are some of the other dimensions of the crisis?
A: Joining the Eurozone implied a number of conditions of entry and a number of obligations once a country became a member. The obligations included undertakings never to overspend above certain limits. With the introduction of the euro, the availability to borrow money from the European Central Bank was too high for the richer countries and too low for the poorer ones. In the poorer countries this resulted in a spending spree that made private and public debt rocket sky-high without being noticed early enough to prevent.

Q: As an American I am curious to understand whether there are implications for the American economy in this crisis.
A: Of course there is. The financial crisis began in the US with the sub-prime mortgages and later with the demise of Lehman Brothers, making everybody more conscious of the risks involved in the financial system and put in question sovereign debt. The rating houses started downgrading countries such as Greece and later Ireland, Portugal and Spain, making it impossible for them to raise money from the markets to pay for their current expenses and to service past debts. As a lender of last resorts, the European Central Bank had to intervene. The current situation is that the intervention of the European Central Bank has resulted in considerable social upheaval due to the strict austerity measures. This social upheaval makes it increasingly difficult to comply with the conditions and at the same time, the EU itself is not acting fast enough to reform the weaknesses of the Eurozone.


ACT Graduation Ceremony

During the ACT commencement ceremony that took place on July 2nd , graduates celebrated the end of an exciting academic life at ACT, the turning of a page and the opening of a new chapter in their life.  

Keynote remarks were delivered by Vasilis Tsamis, Chief Operating & Co-Chief  Investment Officer of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation who underlined the exciting task the graduates have ahead of them, the task of doing things better, faster and smarter than were ever done before.

“Give your career a shape, a conviction, a punch and first of all a purpose. See beyond horizons, look around corners, develop a sixth sense. Be a guiding star. It’s your time to write your own story” he urged the ACT graduates.
During the event, students were awarded for academic excellence, and active participation in sports and extracurricular activities. 2013 class valedictorian  Julijana Nicha and MBA class valedictorian Margaux Pauwels urged their fellow graduates to continue to challenge themselves in the years ahead.

The “Philip & Marjorie Ireland Humanitarian Award” was presented to“Desmos, Thessaloniki” the non profit foundation that was established by a team of young, dynamic individuals sharing a common vision to responsibly and effectively address the imminent social and humanitarian crisis through collaboration and the involvement of the private sector.

The graduation ceremony was held in the warm company of instructors, staff, administrators, family, friends and distinguished guests among which was Yiannis I.Boutaris the Mayor of Thessaloniki.


ACT students shine at Startup Weekend!

ACT students got a crash-course in Startup business development, participating as team-members and volunteers in a 54-hour startup marathon. Serving as host and Platinum Sponsor for Startup Weekend Thessaloniki, ACT welcomed more than 150 people from throughout Northern Greece to the campus on first weekend in April. Keynote speaker, Mr. Paul Efmorfidis (CEO of Cocomat) inspired the crowd to “think creatively, live differently, and honor your ideas.” Startup Weekend brought excellent exposure to ACT through the media attention, and more importantly the quality of the event. ACT students worked diligently throughout the weekend, participating on more than 6 of the different teams, and ultimately winning on a number of levels. First Prize was awarded to an ACT-led team, who developed “DressMeFast,” a smart-phone app for fashion-conscious consumers.

The teams were mentored by seasoned professionals and the final efforts judged by a panel of distinguished experts, including Dr. Fanis Varvoglis Chair of ACT’s Anatolia School of Business. Startup Weekends are recognized throughout the world as a great source of entrepreneurial training, and given the positive performance of our students, ACT looks forward to their continued success.


Dukakis Center Spring 2013

The Dukakis Center hosted a variety of events and developed new capacities during the spring 2013 semester at ACT. Building on the success of the December 2012 Business and Politics Forum, and the November 2011 Dukakis International Symposium, the Center hosted a trio of distinguished seminar series lecturers on the theme of reform in Greek politics.

Stelios Kouvelis, former Deputy Foreign Minister, Dimitrios Katsoudas, former Secretary General of European Affairs at the Foreign Ministry, and historian Stan Draenos all visited the AT Conference Room at one moment or another in the term for presentations on the state of reform in Greek governments past and present.

Meanwhile, thanks to the efforts of Ruth Sutton and Laura Strieth, the Inspiration Exchange team was also busy, organizing three innovative workshops, one an on-campus happening coinciding with “One Billion Rising,” a second a celebration of International Women’s Day entitled “Big changes start with small solutions,” and the third on activist journalism. The latter event featured Athens-based journalists and bloggers Kostas Kallergis and Damian Mac Con Uladh.

The semester’s Dukakis Lecture was delivered by historian and classicist Angelos Chaniotis on the theme “Graffiti in ancient cities – Images and voices of daily life.” Chaniotis, Professor of Ancient History and Classics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, spoke to a standing room only audience of more than 80 people in one of the Bissell Library lounges, thanks in large part to the efforts of Anatolia colleague Haido Samara.

The Dukakis Center co-sponsored Maria Kyriakidou’s annual gender and citizenship conference, this year on the theme “Arts, Aesthetics and Power” The conference gathered several leading local and regional scholars, including keynote speaker Nayia Kamenou of the University of Cyprus.

The spring semester also featured a few novel events. In February, the Dukakis Center hosted a small delegation of journalists and civil society leaders from Kosovo for an informal round table discussion on the state of Kosovar five years after the declaration of statehood. The speakers included Fliaka Surroi, Ilir Deda, Armend Muja, and Berat Rukiqi, who appeared courtesy of Eliamep and Kipred, leading think tanks in Athens and Pristina, respectively.

In June Anatolia alumnus Harris Mylonas presented his new book on “The Politics of Nation-Building: Making Co-Nationals, Refugees, and Minorities (Cambridge University Press, 2013). Mylonas, Assistant Professor at The Elliot School, George Washington University, was accompanied by Professors George Th. Mavrogordatos, Elpida Vogli, and Othon Anastasakis at Ianos Bookstore on Aristotle Square.
Professor Anastasakis, in Thessaloniki again for the Dukakis Center’s annual summer Seesox Salonica Seminar, also took part in a briefing on the Greek sovereign debt crisis and its implications for southeast Europe, with local businessman Nikos Efthimiadis, for the benefit of ten German Marshal Fund Memorial Fellows, hosted by Elizabeth Phocas of Eliamep. The Fellows are mid-career Americans in both the private and public sectors who are chosen and funded by the GMF, a German institution, to travel throughout Europe. This is the fourth time ACT has collaborated with Eliamep to brief fellows travelling through Thessaloniki.


Summer at ACT

No less than 69 U.S. students are participating in ACT's 5 week summer study abroad program this year. Students come from various states and are recruited mostly through the 30 plus U.S. partner schools that ACT has agreements with.


Students enroll in academic courses such as management, history, politics, Greek language, philosophy, anthropology, computer science and even open sea sailing. However the highlight of the semester consists in the many field trips that are organized by the International Programs Office, which give the students the opportunity to visit the towns of Macedonia, exceptional museums and sites such as those in Vergina, Pella, Dion. By the end of their first overnight tip to Corfu or Athens,. these students are callingThessaloniki their 'home'.


20 of these summer students are here on full scholarships to attend a  special program called the Pella Project or the Hellenic Birthright Project. They are taking a humanities course focused on the World of Alexander the Great and a Museum Practicum. These students, which all have Greek Heritage, have in their most part never been to Greece before. Many of them are in fact the first member of the family to come back to the 'home land', so this becomes a once-in-a-livetime journey; it is the journey of discovering one's roots and one's full identity. During their 4 day trip across Eastern Macedonia, Thrace and Turkey the students will be visiting monuments such as Agia Sophia and having a personal session with the Patriarch of Constantinople. They will be visiting Toia, where young Alexander sacrificed to the Gods in hopes for a successful campaign in Asia; possibly these choice students will be praying for devine protection as they embark on their own adult life journey which is just beginning.


Book presentation by Harris Mylonas at IANOS Bookstore

Thursday, June 20 • 19:00 p.m.
IANOS Bookstore (7, Aristotelous Str.)
The Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service
Cordially welcomes you to a book panel

Harris Mylonas
Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University

“The Politics of Nation-Building:
Making Co-Nationals, Refugees, and Minorities”
(Cambridge University Press, 2013)

With co-discussants
Prof. Othon Anastasakis, University of Oxford
Prof. George Th. Mavrogordatos, University of Athens
Prof. Nikos Marantzidis, University of Macedonia

Moderator: David Wisner
Executive Director Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center
for Public and Humanitarian Service ACT

RSVP at 2310 398 220  Marina Charitopoulou


Πέμπτη, 20 Ιουνίου • 19:00 μ.μ.
Βιβλιοπωλείο IANOS (Αριστοτέλους 7)
Το Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service
του American College of Thessaloniki – ACT
σας προσκαλεί στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του

Χάρη Μυλωνά
Επίκουρου Καθηγητή Πολιτικής Επιστήμης
 στο  Πανεπιστήμιο George Washington

«The Politics of Nation-Building:
Making Co-Nationals, Refugees, and Minorities»
(εκδόσεις Cambridge University Press, 2013).

Το βιβλίο θα παρουσιάσουν οι:
 Όθων Αναστασάκης, Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης
Γιώργος Θ. Μαυροκορδάτος, Καθηγητής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών
Νίκος Μαραντζίδης, Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας  

Συντονίζει ο Dr David Wisner,
Διευθυντής του  Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service του ACT

RSVP: 2310 398 220 Μαρίνα Χαριτοπούλου


Scholarship available for students of Armenian descent.

American College of Thessaloniki (ACT), a non-profit, private  post-secondary division of Anatolia College, announces a scholarship opportunity for qualifying students of Armenian descent.  Those interested in studying at ACT should kindly contact the Admissions office at 2310.398.398 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 20, 2013.

 ACT's comprehensive undergraduate curriculum leads to Bachelor’s degrees in Business (with 5 Concentrations), Business and Computing, International Relations and English (with 2 Concentrations).  Moreover, the college offers a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) with concentrations in Banking & Finance, Entrepreneurship, Management and Marketing.

Το American College of Thessaloniki (ACT) , το τμήμα μεταλυκειακής εκπαίδευσης του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια ενημερώνει για τη δυνατότητα υποτροφιών σε νέους και νέες Αρμενικής καταγωγής.

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι που επιθυμούν να φοιτήσουν στο ACT παρακαλούνται να επικοινωνήσουν με το 2310.398.398 ή να στείλουν email στο This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. έως τις 20 Μαΐου 2013.

Το ολοκληρωμένο πρόγραμμα σπουδών του ACT (www.act.edu) οδηγεί σε πτυχία Bachelor στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων (5 ειδικότητες), στην Εφαρμοσμένη Πληροφορική (Business & Computing)  σε Διεθνείς Σχέσεις & Διπλωματία και σε Αγγλική Φιλολογία και New Media (2 ειδικότητες).

Επίσης, το ACT προσφέρει ένα ιδιαίτερα αξιόλογο μεταπτυχιακό πρόγραμμα υψηλών απαιτήσεων στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων  (ΜΒΑ) με κατευθύνσεις στα Τραπεζικά, Χρηματοοικονομικά, στην Επιχειρηματικότητα, τη Διοίκηση και το Μάρκετινγκ.


17 Sevenidi St.
55535, Pylaia
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 398398
P.O.Box 21021
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