
ACT Robotics Lab

The ACT Robotics Laboratory is aimed at both education and research. A mechatronics platform is used to introduce students to coding and electronics for engineering design, in a natural way that transcends the traditional software-hardware divide.
Students build the chassis and electronics harness of their robot, then program, test and design experiments to evaluate and improve its performance in designated challenges. The curriculum combines lecturing with experiential learning techniques, iterative design and challenge-driven exploration, encouraging students to develop communication and teamwork skills along with their own design strategies. The laboratory can accommodate groups of up to 16 students at a time. It is equipped with Windows workstations, electronics experimentation kits, microcontrollers and a variety of sensors, Lego Mindstorm EV3 and Tetrix robotics kits programmable with RobotC, as well as autonomous mobile robotics equipment.

Anatolia College Christmas Bazaar 2014



Anatolia College Christmas Bazaar 2014

Κυριακή 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2014, 17:00- 20:00

Χριστουγεννιάτικη συναυλία: 16:00 – 17:00


Το Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια σάς προσκαλεί στο Χριστουγεννιάτικο Bazaar του

την Κυριακή 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2014.


Το Χριστουγεννιάτικο Bazaar του μη κερδοσκοπικού εκπαιδευτικού οργανισμού ξεκίνησε τη δεκαετία του ’30, για να υποστηρίξει τους προσφυγικούς πληθυσμούς που είχαν μετακινηθεί στη Θεσσαλονίκη μετά τη Μικρασιατική Καταστροφή, και με το πέρασμα του χρόνου αναδείχθηκε σε μία από τις πιο επιτυχημένες χριστουγεννιάτικες εκδηλώσεις της  πόλης.

To Bazaar πραγματοποιείται με την εθελοντική συμμετοχή μαθητών και εργαζομένων και των τριών εκπαιδευτικών βαθμίδων του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια – Anatolia Elementary School, Ενιαίο Γυμνάσιο και Λύκειο & International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, American College of Thessaloniki (ACT).

Τα έσοδα της διοργάνωσης θα διατεθούν υπέρ:

  • του Συλλόγου Γονέων, Κηδεμόνων και Φίλων Ατόμων με Προβλήματα Όρασης και πρόσθετες αναπηρίες «Η Αμυμώνη- Σύλλογος Θεσσαλονίκης»
  • του Κοινωνικού Ιατρείου του Οργανισμού Λιμένος Θεσσαλονίκης
  • των Παιδικών Χωριών SOS Ελλάδος-Πλαγιαρίου, και
  • του Χαρίσειου Γηροκομείου Θεσσαλονίκης

Στη φετινή εκδήλωση θα είναι αυξημένη η παρουσία των μαθητών του σχολείου με προϊόντα που οι ίδιοι κατασκεύασαν, ενώ συμμετέχουν περισσότερες από 15 φιλανθρωπικές οργανώσεις.

Το Χριστουγεννιάτικο Bazaar εμπλουτίζεται, φέτος, με νέες ενότητες: Το Κέντρο STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια  διοργανώνει για παιδιά 7 έως 15 ετών διασκεδαστικές δραστηριότητες CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) αντίστοιχες των ομώνυμων τηλεοπτικών σειρών. Μαθητές και καθηγητές θα παρουσιάσουν έκθεση φωτογραφίας και εικαστικών έργων, ενώ τέσσερις διαφορετικές μπάντες μαθητών και η χορωδία του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια θα παίζουν μουσική στους χώρους του Bazaar.

Χριστουγεννιάτικη συναυλία: 16:00 – 17:00

Οι Χριστουγεννιάτικες εκδηλώσεις θα ξεκινήσουν στις 4 μ.μ. της Κυριακής με τη χριστουγεννιάτικη συναυλία στο Κλειστό Γυμναστήριο του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια.

Το Αμερικανικό Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια είναι ένας μη κερδοσκοπικός εκπαιδευτικός οργανισμός με μακρά παράδοση και προσφορά σε όλες τις βαθμίδες της εκπαίδευσης. Ιδρύθηκε το 1886 στη Μερζιφούντα του Πόντου και το 1924 εγκαταστάθηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Ταυτισμένο με την αριστεία, τις πρωτοποριακές εκπαιδευτικές δράσεις και το υψηλό διδακτικό επίπεδο το Κολλέγιο Ανατόλια έχει αναδειχθεί σε εκπαιδευτικό κέντρο με πανελλήνια και διεθνή αναγνώριση. Ο εκπαιδευτικός οργανισμός διατηρεί ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα προγράμματα υποτροφιών στην Ελλάδα όπως και ένα πολύπτυχο πρόγραμμα δράσεων κοινωνικής προσφοράς.


ACT Alumni Reunion in Albania

Erdhi koha të takohemi prapë! Shihemi në 21 Nëntor në Pepper Lounge në Tiranë në orën 21:00 p.m. Ju presim te gjithë!

Join the event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/700224263406062/?ref=22


Beetroot Design Group on ‘The Monsters of Ancient Greek Mythology’

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 17:00-18:30 at the Bissell Library, the American College of Thessaloniki hosted a presentation on ‘The Monsters of Ancient Greek Mythology’ organized by the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences and coordinated by Dr. Nikos Dimitriadis, who teaches the course of Ancient Greek Mythology at ACT.

The speaker was Mr. Yiannis Charalambopoulos, a member of the Beetroot Design Group. Beetroot is a Thessaloniki-based, multi-awarded communication design office and think tank that provides design services and solutions to a worldwide clientele. In one of their self-initiated projects, they designed the Monsters of Ancient Greek Mythology, a world-acclaimed work currently in exhibit in the USA. The speaker presented their sources of inspiration, the practical preparation and the materialization of the project and answered questions from the enthusiastic audience.

The event, which was associated with our Hellenic Heritage program and was also part of our Learning in Action initiatives for the interest of our Study Abroad and NUin students, was very well attended by a great number of students, faculty and visitors.


Venture Garden enters its second stage

The second cohort of VentureGarden has begun:

On Friday the 11th of July 2014 the registration period for the second round of the training program “VentureGarden”  finished and the program received 111 applications.  The applications were mainly from Thessaloniki and the broader region.

The first evaluation stage was in September 2014 where all 111 applicants were interviewed and 67 were selected to advance to the second stage.  

The second evaluation stage was held on Wednesday 17th, September 2014 where the 67 applicants were put into groups of 8 and then in round robin fashion were interviewed by the members of the evaluation team in order to determine individual and social skills and abilities.  The process lasted 3 hours and finally 29 individuals were selected.

The training part of the program was launched on 29th, September and lasted 5 weeks. The second stage of VentureGarden, the 12 months support and the mentoring stage, is about to begin with the mentoring of the first cohort still in progress.


The largest number of US students visit ACT as Study Abroads this season!

Fall 2014 at ACT will see the largest cohort of US students studying at ACT at any one time to this day. Almost 300 students will arrive on campus for the Study Abroad two day Orientation on the 18th and 19th of September, which includes sessions on academic matters, student life, health and safety, life in Thessaloniki and an extensive Anatolia campus tour. Within the first couple of weeks these students will also be introduced to the Anatolia/ACT staff, ACT faculty and other students. They will be invited to group lunches, a campus BBQ, a dinner at a tavern with Greek folk dancing, and they will all be visiting Vergina and Chalkidiki. Before they leave the country in December they will have also all visited Athens, Delphi and many other important places in Greece.

The International Programs Office and the Student Services Office at ACT aim to help integrate these students not only in the life on campus but also in the wider life of the city of Thesslaoniki. Over 160 of these students will be visiting hospitals, churches, youth centers, grade schools, municipal centers, the YMCA and other NGOs, offering services voluntarily to those who need them. They will also be involved in cultural group activities such as the Thesslaoniki Half Marathon, the World Costal Rowing Championship, urban beautification projects such as tree planting, in folk dancing events, etc. ACT, consistent to its mission,  hopes to be sending close to 300 youth ambassadors back to the U.S. home schools by the end of 2014.



Γνωρίστε το American College of Thessaloniki

Παρασκευή 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014, 17:30, ACT, Πυλαία, Θεσσαλονίκη

Το ξεχωριστό ακαδημαϊκό πρόγραμμα, τους καθηγητές και τις εγκαταστάσεις του American College of Thessaloniki (ACT), μέλος του Κολλεγίου Ανατόλια, μπορούν να γνωρίσουν από κοντά όσοι το επισκεφθούν κατά τη διάρκεια του ACT Open Day. Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις εγκαταστάσεις του ACT την Παρασκευή 12 Σεπτεμβρίου, από τις 5:30 το απόγευμα έως τις 10 το βράδυ. Το Open Day απευθύνεται σε όσους ενδιαφέρονται για πτυχιακές και μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές υψηλού επιπέδου σε ένα κατεξοχήν διεθνές περιβάλλον μένοντας στη Θεσσαλονίκη.

Το ACT Open Day θα ξεκινήσει με ξενάγηση στο campus που διακρίνεται από τη χαρακτηριστική ατμόσφαιρα των αμερικανικών πανεπιστημίων. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι το 50% των σπουδαστών του προέρχεται από το εξωτερικό, ενώ το ίδρυμα αποτελεί τον πιο δημοφιλή ακαδημαϊκό προορισμό στην Ελλάδα για φοιτητές από τις ΗΠΑ μέσω του προγράμματος Study Abroad.

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι στη συνέχεια θα ενημερωθούν για το ακαδημαϊκό πρόγραμμα, τις ευκαιρίες σταδιοδρομίας, τα προγράμματα Υποτροφιών και Επιδότησης Σπουδών, ενώ θα συναντηθούν με τους διευθυντές των προγραμμάτων και τους καθηγητές του ACT.



Το πρόγραμμα

17:30 – 18:00 Registration 

18:00 – 18:30 Ξενάγηση στις εγκαταστάσεις του ACT

18:30 – 19:30 Ενημέρωση για τα ακαδημαϊκά προγράμματα, τις ευκαιρίες σταδιοδρομίας, τα προγράμματα Υποτροφιών και Επιδότησης Σπουδών

19:30 – 20:30 Συνάντηση με τους διευθυντές των προγραμμάτων και τους καθηγητές του ACT

20:30 BBQ με τις μουσικές επιλογές των: Bill Nakis, Νάνσυ Βλάχου (Τhe Breakfast CLUB), Μαργαρίτη Κεχαγιά και Massimo του Zoo Radio 90.8

Δωρεάν μεταφορά προς το ACT με λεωφορείο. Αναχώρηση στις 17:00 από το άγαλμα του Βενιζέλου, πλατεία Αριστοτέλους.

Ενημερωθείτε αναλυτικά για το πρόγραμμα και δηλώστε συμμετοχή στο ACT Open Day στο www.act.edu/openday

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες: 2310 398 398


Dukakis Center celebrates birthday in style

The Dukakis Center celebrated fifteen years of public service initiatives in Thessaloniki during the Spring 2014 semester with a Festival of Civic and Urban Culture.

The celebration was punctuated by three main events organized throughout the spring. First, The Center hosted an open debate on the local and European elections held in May 2014. Featured were journalists and bloggers Kostas Kallergis, Sakis Ioannidis, and Maria Patsarika, while Georgios Toulas of Parallaxi moderated the proceedings. Dubbed "Politics at the Coffeehouse,” the event took place at Zogia in downtown Thessaloniki. The debate focused in large part on the incidence of unprecedented numbers of younger candidates in the local elections and was further animated by the presence of several local university students running for seats in the Municipal Council of Thessaloniki.

The second event was an exhibition of photography by Dukakis Center honors interns Zani Manginis, Valbona Makovci, Lorenzo Di Buongrazio, and George Belidis. The interns did a masterclass in environmental photography with renowned photographer Chryssa Nikoleri and were assigned to shadow candidates running in local and European elections -- among whom Konstantinos Zervas, Christina Tachiaou, Kalypso Goula, and Mihalis Tsitotas. The exhibition took place at the Port Annex of the State Museum for Contemporary Art for three weeks during the month of June 2014.

Finally, the Dukakis Center hosted the Fourth Dukakis International Symposium at the Municipal Council of Thessaloniki on July 1, 2014. Keynote speaker Erhard Busek, formerly director of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe and currently coordinator of the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative, was joined by a group of distinguished panelists for a lively public discussion on the theme of "The Future of Democracy in Europe and Beyond." Co-organized by Southeast European Studies at Oxford in the person of Othon Anastasakis, Director of the European Studies Centre at St Antony's College, Oxford, the event also featured current Dukakis Fellow Andreas Akaras, former Congressional Aide Alan Makovsky, Nenad Sebek, Director of the Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe, and Harris Mylonas, of George Washington University.

Said David Wisner, Executive Director of the Dukakis Center, “These events are among the most important we have organized under the banner of the Dukakis project at the American College of Thessaloniki. I can imagine no more pressing issue in our times than the fate of democracy in Greece and Europe, no more important public service gesture than to get young people thinking seriously and creatively about how we govern ourselves.”

Video footage of these events and others was captured by another group of honors interns, who worked with filmmaker Christos Nikoleris on a documentary video on the Dukakis Center. The production will be premiered during the fall 2014 semester.


Dukakis Honors Interns - Spring 2014

For the past two years the Dukakis Center has been offering special honors programming for high achieving ACT undergraduates.

The project was launched in September 2012, when Dr Maria Patsarika was invited to conduct a series of honors seminars for select incoming freshmen. The freshmen honors cohort attended bi-weekly seminars in their first semester, and were then offered the opportunity to undertake short-term projects in their second term.

For the 2013-14 academic year the honors program was modified slightly. Incoming freshmen were again invited to attend biweekly honors seminars with Dr Patsarika, while the sophomores who opted to remain in their honors group conducted sessions around the theme “learning to see the world around us” led by photographer Chryssa Nikoleri.

In the spring of 2014 the program changed radically. The freshman and sophomore cohorts were now given the option of following masterclasses in filmmaking and photography, which were open also to honors-calibre students in their junior and senior years; degree candidates from all majors were welcome, as were, in select instances, study abroad students.

The objective of the masterclasses was to have students produce a final project somehow relating to celebrations of fifteen years of Dukakis activities at ACT. The projects included an exhibition of photography on the local and European elections of May 2014; a documentary video on the Dukakis Center; and the preparation of an e-book featuring articles posted on Politis, the blog of the Dukakis Center. Another group of students worked on events management during the spring 2014 semester.

It is hoped that the honors project can be developed further to introduce a regular formative learning component into ACT’s degree programs, while encouraging academically ambitious students to make ACT their first choice for undergraduate studies.


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Thessaloniki, Greece
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