
ACT hosts a workshop on Activism, Creative Participation and Democracy

In an age of new media, anyone can be an activist.  Once a story breaks, it is not owned by anyone or under anyone’s control - not the person who wrote it, the person who features in it and certainly not the company that owns a newspaper of tv station.

 The transmission of news is becoming democratized and internationalized  and this is the key weapon of the citizen in the fight against corruption, unfair policies and racism.  Kostas Kallergis (anti corruption blogger), Damian Mac Con Uladh (activist journalist focusing on racism) and Maggie Nolan, (of the anti-racist, anti-fascist group KEERFA) were guest speakers at ACT’s Inspiration Exchange Event ‘Activism, creative participation and democracy’ which explored issues of citizen journalism, anti-racist actions and how to challenge corruption. More


Dukakis Center: 15 Years of Public Service

The Dukakis Center will celebrate fifteen years of public service initiatives during the spring 2014 semester. Several events are planned, including the annual Diplomatic Academy, three round tables on various topics, a conference on threats to democracy in the EU, and residencies on campus by Andreas Akaras and Alan Cafruny (Hamilton College). Students at ACT, IB, and Anatolia will have opportunities to undertake long- and short term internships throughout the semester. More


Dukakis Center hosts foreign ministry veteran

Dimitris Katsoudas, former Secretary General of European Affairs, Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, spoke at ACT on Monday, March 11, under the auspices of the Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service, on the topcic of "Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: How Greece can Recover. More


Former Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Speaks at ACT

The Dukakis Center welcomed former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Spyros Kouvelis for the inaugural Dukakis Lecture of the Spring 2013 semester on Monday, February 18, for a talk on Development Perspectives, Reform, and Outward Opening of Greek Entrepreneurship. More


Repo[we]rGreece visits ACT

On December 11, the Dukakis Center teamed up with representatives of the Athens-based civil society initiative Repo[we]rGreece. Alexandros Costopoulos and retired US diplomat Alec Mally met with several dozen ACT and study abroad students to discuss the mission of their initiative, launched in the fall of 2011. More


Facelifted Politis live blogs the US election and more

Politis, the blog of the Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service at ACT, has recently been given a facelift, just in time to offer live rolling coverage of the US general election of November 6 and the debates and votes in the Greek Parliament of November 7-8, 2012. More


Inaugural Business & Politics Forum

The Dukakis Center and the Anatolia Business School co-hosted the inaugural Business & Politics Forum on Wednesday, December 5, at the Elektra Palace Hotel in downtown Thessaloniki.

Well over 200 people came to hear invited panelists Stephen Grey (Reuters), Dennis Martinis (McKinsey), Efi Stefopoulou (General Secretariat of the Government), and Elena Panariti (social entrepreneur) speak on different dimensions of the perennial relationship between business and politics. The event was live-streamed over four sites, including Politis and Protagon, by the digital media company Live Media (clips have been posted with choice of language on the ACT You Tube channel).

Video here


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