
Dermitzakis, I., Evangelidis, N., Evangelidis, P., & Anestis, A. (2021). Knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions regarding COVID-19 outbreak in Greece in September 2020: a cross-sectional web-based survey. Hippokratia, 25(1), 15.

Giannopoulou, Zoe. (2023). Mediation, Theory & Practice. In A. Bolos (ed). Sakoulas Publications. pp 69-83.

Giannopoulou, Zoe. (2022). Commercial Mediation in the Digital Area, Ethical Standards. Lexis Nexus, UIA. pp 153-166.

Giannopoulou, Zoe. (2021). Mediation, from Theory to Practice. Nomiki Publications.

Giannopoulou, Zoe. (2021). Mediation in Civil and Commercial Disputes, Law on Mediation 4640/2019. In A. Plevri. pp 1-33.

ACT Students attend the 64th Annual Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference

The 64th Annual Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference titled WHERE POWER LIES: The Development of Civil-Military Relations in a New World Order took place in Annapolis, Maryland, from 9-11 of April 2024. The mission of the Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference is to bring together the best undergraduate minds from around the world to discuss complex modern issues in foreign policy. 

64th Annual Naval Academy Foreign Affairs 4

Three ACT students from the Political Science and International Relations program were selected as the ACT delegates to the conference: Jana Chapovska, Stavros Theodor Delakis, and Agapi Farra.  This experience also serves to develop lasting civil-military relationships among future leaders in the armed forces, government, and private sector.  

64th Annual Naval Academy Foreign Affairs 1

Overall, it was an invaluable experience. This conference made clear how civil-military interactions can shape respect and understanding of each other’s roles. Such success can be significantly advanced through the collaborative efforts of military officials and civilian policymakers, contingent upon mutual cooperation. Students had the opportunity to attend lectures to discuss with their roundtables on issues of concern to the US military about current events and issues, such as civil-military relations in Latin America and North Africa and the insurrections against democracy. At the end of the conference, they participated in a simulation.

Each roundtable functioned as a single entity, akin to the UN, NATO, Congress, the White House, etc. Through this simulation, it was clear how challenging the cooperation of civil policymakers and military officials is, how demanding the coordination between different institutions and organizations is, and how complex decision-making is for military officials under time pressure. Participating in the conference, meeting new people, and making friends from across the globe is undoubtedly an experience they will never forget.

 64th Annual Naval Academy Foreign Affairs 3



Aviation el


Προετοιμάσου για μία πολλά υποσχόμενη καριέρα στις αερομεταφορές, ως πιλότος ή στέλεχος αερομεταφορών, αποκτώντας τις απαραίτητες γνώσεις στη διοίκηση επιχειρήσεων, καθώς και την κατάρτιση για να αποκτήσεις δίπλωμα εμπορικού πιλότου.

Το αγγλόφωνο τριετές πρόγραμμα πλήρους φοίτησης BS in Aviation Management with Pilot Studies που προσφέρεται από το ACT σε συνεργασία με την Egnatia Aviation θα σε βοηθήσει να κατανοήσεις τις σχέσεις μεταξύ των διαφόρων εμπλεκόμενων του κλάδου, από τις αεροπορικές εταιρείες και τα αεροδρόμια έως τους φορείς εκμετάλλευσης και τις ρυθμιστικές αρχές.

Καλλιέργησε τις ηγετικές ικανότητες σου στο ACT και εκπαιδεύσου ως πιλότος στις εγκαταστάσεις της Egnatia Aviation, σε μία από τις 5 κορυφαίες ακαδημίες εκπαίδευσης πιλότων αεροπορικών εταιρειών της Ευρώπης.


Navigating Global Opportunities: Exploring Diverse Career Paths in the Social Sciences

The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences at ACT - The American College of Thessaloniki organizes the event "Navigating Global Opportunities: Exploring Diverse Career Paths in the Social Sciences" on Friday, 12 April, 2024, at the Bissell Library, Open Space, 12:00-15:00. 

The event features two panels with speakers from various sectors. The first panel discusses careers in diplomacy and the public sector, including speakers from the U.S. Consulate General in Thessaloniki, the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Consul General of the Republic of Serbia and the President of the Greek Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP). The second panel focuses on ACT alumni and private sector careers, with speakers from think tanks, academic institutions and social innovation organizations.

The event aims at providing attendees with insights into different career paths within the social sciences field.


First Panel: Career paths in diplomacy and the wider public sector 

12.00-12.20: Mr. Isaac Hansen-Joseph, Economic Counselor and Consul at the U.S. Consulate  General in Thessaloniki. 

12.20-12.40: Ms. Jasmina Milačić, Consul General of the Republic of Serbia  

12.40-13.00: Ms. Katerina Tsapikidou, Director of International Relations Service, Greek MFA 

13.00-13.20: Dr. Thanos Papaioannou, President of the Greek Supreme Council for Civil  Personnel Selection (ASEP) 

13.20-13.30 Short Q & A session 

13.30-14.00: Coffee break 

Second Panel: Career paths of ACT alumni/ae and in the private sector 

14.00-14.15: Mr. Antonios Platias, Brigadier General (ret)., Foreign Affairs Institute 14.15-14.30: Dr. Maya Davidovic, Lecturer at Cardiff University 

14.30-14.45: Dr. Sotiris Themistokleous, Director of Institutional Development, Center for  Social Innovation, Cyprus 

14.45-15.00: Ms. Karina Iskandarova, Founder of Charisma works 

Closing remarks


Intersecting Voices: A Multifaceted Exploration of Gender Injustice

"Intersecting Voices: A Multifaceted Exploration of Gender Injustice" is a compelling symposium organized by the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences (ACT) and set for May 24, 2024, at the ACT Bissell Library, Open Space, running from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. 

The event is organized with the cooperation of Dr. Evangelia (Elina) Asimakopoulou, (Anatolia Alumna '01) and the support of the Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service. 

This event gathers experts from various fields to dissect crucial facets of gender inequality. The first panel delves into legal dimensions, featuring speakers such as Kalliopi Lykovardi, Dr. Pavlos Topalnakos, Dr. Anna Maria Konsta, and Eleftheria Konsta, discussing topics ranging from equality bodies’ effectiveness to femicide as a criminal offense and domestic violence. The subsequent panel explores philosophy, literature, and media perspectives, with Dr. Nikos Erinakis, Dr. Eleni Godi, and Dr. Ian Kehoe analyzing themes like equauthenticity in contemporary philosophy, gender role deconstruction in literature, and countering misogynistic narratives in media. This symposium promises an enlightening discourse on gender injustice, fostering diverse viewpoints and constructive dialogue.





Viktoratos, I., Tsadiras, A., “A Machine Learning Approach for Solving the Frozen User Cold-Start Problem in Personalized Mobile Advertising Systems.” Algorithms 2022, 15, 72. https://doi.org/10.3390/a15030072


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