

Public service in the 21st century: A discussion with Mark Welsh III

On Friday, June 17, General (USAF ret.) Mark Welsh III, Dean of the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, will join Dukakis Center Director David Wisner for a discussion on "Public Service in the Twenty-First Century." Mark Welsh III has studied at US Air Force Academy, National War College, MIT, and… More

Can we learn happiness?

On May 13, 2022, ACT, the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, and its Psychology programs organized the first Positive Psychology event led by the guest speaker Dr. Anastasios Stalikas, Professor at the Psychology Dept., Panteion University as well as founder and President of Hellenic Society for Positive Psychology. Through his interactive and… More

ACT Student Government Association joins forces to "Break the Stigma"

Since the beginning of the academic year, the ACT Student Government Association (SGA) has thought of ways to make the student community aware of current social issues and act in favor of those in need. The contribution to soup kitchens in collaboration with charity organizations in Thessaloniki and the realization… More

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