

Boundaries and Borders in an Evolving World Order: Challenges and Prospects

The Comparative and Interdisciplinary Studies Section (CISS) of the International Studies Association in collaboration with the American College in Thessaloniki, Greece, will host an international conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, from June 13 to June 15, 2016. The theme of the conference is Boundaries and Borders in an Evolving World Order:… More

News from the Recent Quake - a poetry reading

"News from the Recent Quake" A Poetry Reading by Doug Babington "From Letter - Writing to Poetry: Thessaloniki 1978 - 1980"  Presentation of his newly published  20 bilingual poems Tuesday June 7, 2016 18:30 Bissell Library American College of Thessaloniki The presentation will be held in both Greek and English. RSVP… More

ACT Painting Club Exhibition: Spring 2016

The Painting Club at ACT, guided by Naya Kaplanidou, is exhibiting the marvelous work completed by the students in the spring semester 2016. The students have set up the exhibition with their paintings in the New Building ground floor area. Landscapes, still lives, portraits and other themes, created by the… More

Dukakis Center convenes Democratic delegates debate on primaries

Two Democratic delegates honored the Dukakis Center with their presence this past Monday evening at La Place Mignonne, a local watering hole in downtown Thessaloniki. Former US Consuls General of Thessaloniki John Koenig and Alec Mally, both of whom have turned to party politics following their respective retirements from the US Foreign… More

"Is Embodied Intelligence a Necessity for Flexible, Adaptive Thinking?”

ACT Professor of Philosophy Dr. Vincent Müller was interviewed for the techemergence.com a media and market research firm focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning. What is intelligence? For some researchers, it may be quite possible to create an intelligent machine ‘in a box’, something without physical embodiment but with… More

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