

Margaritis Schinas speaks at ACT on "The Future of Europe"

On Thursday, November 2, 2017, at 10:00 am at the Bissell Library, ACT (The American College of Thessaloniki) hosted a presentation by Mr. Margaritis Schinas, Chief Spokesperson & Deputy Director-General for Communication of the European Commission on ‘The Future of Europe’.   Mr. Schinas started with a historical background to the creation of the European Union emphasizing… More

Over 400 students are living the Study Abroad experience at ACT

On September 25, 2017, ACT opened it's doors to a record number of Study Abroad Students with over 400 students from 24 different Colleges and Universities around the United States.  The American College of Thessaloniki is proud to celebrate its tenth anniversary as the host school for the N.U.in Program from… More

ACT at the "Study in Thessaloniki" press conference

The "Study in Thessaloniki" initiative was presented on Monday, October 9, in the Municipal Council Hall of Athens, by the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Yiannis Boutaris and Deputy Mayor for Tourist Development and International Relations, Spiros Pegas, alongside representatives of ACT and other major educational institutions in Thessaloniki. The goal of… More

Welcome aboard to this year’s new American Fellows!

As the new school year begins, a new group of bright and dynamic American Fellows joins the Anatolia campus, both to immerse themselves in the culture of Greece and to connect the school with its American origins. Established in 1995 with just two intrepid young Fellows, the program has grown… More

Democracy and Urban Design - A Dukakis lecture at Reworks Agora

On September 13, 2017, the Dukakis Center and the US Consulate General of Thessaloniki co-sponsored the keynote event in this year’s Reworks Agora event, a Dukakis Lecture by Elizabeth Barry on "Reports from the Frontiers of Democracy: Implications for Urban Design. " In her capacity as co-founder of Public Lab… More

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