INGAME: ACT students contribute to the EU-funded program
While entering its third consecutive year, the INGAME project is nearly fully developed. INGAME is an EU-co-funded program that aims to promote social inclusion through gaming. The project involves the development of an educational online game, its associated services, and maintenance, and disseminating results on pedagogical practices among young adult learners. Anatolia College is a partner member of a consortium under the Erasmus+ KA3 Social inclusion and shared values in a network consisting of nine partners from eight different countries (Spain, Greece, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Lithuania, and Romania) with the University of Salamanca as the leader of the consortium.
In 2021, Dr. Maria Kyriakidou, Chair of the ACT Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Dr. Maria Patsarika, a researcher for the project, suggested to the project leader, the University of Salamanca, the possibility of including an advisory group of College students to assist the development of the game. The leader agreed, and ACT formed an advisory group of volunteer ACT students. The students contributed to the project areas of interest and the action fields design along with the researchers from all partner countries to create the INGAME. Relevant to this, Drs. Kyriakidou and Patsarika presented a paper titled: "Ingame: Enacting Youth Citizenry through Serious Gaming" to the European Sociological Association conference last year.
The following steps include the pilot testing of the game and training of educators and civil society stakeholders. The next face-to-face transnational partner meeting is in Nicosia, Cyprus, September 13-14, 2022.