


Dukakis Lecture on Greek-Turkish relations with Kostas Ifantis

The Dukakis Center at the American College of Thessalonikiin collaboration with the Navarino Networkand the Kalliopi Koufa Foundationcordially invites you to attenda Dukakis LecturebyKostas IfantisPanteion and Kadir Has Universities"Greece and Turkey: Neighbours at a time of peril"Monday, March 28Navarino NetworkApellou 3ThessalonikiDiscussants:Sotiris Serbos, Democritus UniversityParoula Naskou-Perraki, University of MacedoniaProfessors Ifantis, Serbos, and… More

Dukakis Center hosts Ioanna Fotopoulou of Social Impact Hub Athens

On March 9, the Dukakis Center welcomed Ioanna Fotopoulou of Impact Hub Athens to the Bissell Library to announce the Social Impact Award, a European competition for social entrepreneurship.Ms Fotopoulou is the Project Manager for the Social Impact Award, a competition organized on a European level (in 10 European countries) for the third… More

Second Festival of Civic and Urban Culture

During a ten-day period from April 11-20, 2016, the Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service at the American College of Thessaloniki will host its Second Festival of Civic and Urban Culture.This year's Festival will include, among others, a masterclass in animation for young voters, the objective… More

Dukakis Center takes part in News Decoder webinar

Interns at the Dukakis Center recently had the rather unique opportunity to take part in a webinar on the civil war in Syria, featuring three internationally reputed journalists collaborating with the Paris-based alternate news outlet News Decoder.Students from some thirteen educational institutions globally attended the webinar to interact with Nadia Dala… More

Dukakis Center welcomes Consul General Fong

Following an invitation by the Dukakis Center, the newly installed US Consul General in Thessaloniki, Ms. Rebecca Fong, visited ACT on November 30 to address students on interested in a diplomatic career, sharing some of her experience in the field.With a diverse academic and professional background, Ms. Fong discussed various aspects… More