
Dukakis Center hosts Ioanna Fotopoulou of Social Impact Hub Athens

On March 9, the Dukakis Center welcomed Ioanna Fotopoulou of Impact Hub Athens to the Bissell Library to announce the Social Impact Award, a European competition for social entrepreneurship.

Ms Fotopoulou is the Project Manager for the Social Impact Award, a competition organized on a European level (in 10 European countries) for the third time this year out of Impact Hub Athens. Members of their team have been visiting universities throughout Greece in order to announce the competition and conduct "ideation" workshops designed to help people start and/or enhance their social startup idea.

Ms Fotopoulou, a native of Thessaloniki and an alumna of Anatolia College, visited ACT for the purpose of introducing students to the concept and practice of social entrepreneurship. This year they will give 10 awards worth the equivalent of 7000 euros each to 10 teams (in kind, for hosting, a summer incubation camp, seminars, workshops, mentoring, and consultancy), while 3 of these 10 teams will actually be awarded 3000 euros each to start their venture.