


Remembering Obama in Greece

In remembrance of President Obama, and in honor of our many Greek friends who were invited to attend his legacy speech in Athens, we publish Dukakis Center Director David Wisner’s 1988 post-election remarks, delivered at the US Consulate General of Thessaloniki (below the break).Students, interns, and staff at ACT and… More

Election Day USA: A carnival of democracy

 Election day is nigh upon us. For close to two years candidates and political parties have been jockeying to attract the attention of the American electorate. Who will win the race to the White House? Which parties will capture majorities in the US Senate and House of Representatives? What surprises await… More

The Future of Democracy intern projects

The Dukakis Center is hosting an especially large cohort of undergraduate interns this fall, including a talented cohort of Study Abroad students from universities throughout the US. One of the projects they are working on is called "The Future of Democracy."The Dukakis Center has been concerned with this topic ever… More

Voting in America

On Wednesday October 5, the Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian Service hosted a round table discussion on “Voting in America” at the U.S.  Consulate General in Thessaloniki. Special guests included Michael Ertel, the Supervisor of Elections for Seminole County, Florida, Charles Stewart III, Distinguished Professor of Political Science at… More

Politics at the bistrot

Two Democratic delegates honored the Dukakis Center with their presence this past Monday evening at La Place Mignonne, a local watering hole in downtown Thessaloniki.Former US Consuls General of Thessaloniki John Koenig and Alec Mally, both of whom have turned to party politics following their respective retirements from the US Foreign Service,… More