


Dukakis Center to host exhibition on "Social Capital"

The Dukakis Center at ACT has invited Scott Townsend to visit Thessaloniki to share the fruit of recent research in Greece, in the form of an exhibition entitled "Social Capital," to be hosted at the French Institute of Thessaloniki from June 21 till July 17, 2017.Mr. Townsend is Associate Professor of… More

John Koenig at the Dukakis Center

John Koenig, former US Ambassador to Cyprus, visited ACT and the Dukakis Center last week to deliver a Dukakis Lecture, and to visit with various constituencies at the College.The highlight of Ambassador Koenig's visit was a Dukakis Lecture entitled "The Cyprus end-game: Unification or permanent partition?" The event was co-hosted by… More

Alexandros Mallias returns to the Dukakis Center

Former Greek Ambassador to the United States Alexandros Mallias spoke to ACT students on January 30 under the auspices of the Dukakis Center, on the siubject of his most recently published book, The Middle East and Pandora's Box.Ambassador was in town to promote his book at various venues and graciously accepted… More

Dukakis Center scholars lecture at the University of Macedonia

This past November 29, some 150 students and faculty from the Universities of Macedonia and Thessaloniki heard ACT instructors Lambrini Nassis and David Wisner speak at a public conference on the recent US elections, hosted by the Greek Association of Political and Economics Science Students at the University of Macedonia.Wisner… More

Enjoying a taste of change with the Dukakis Center

A live crowdfunding event is such an exciting happening. Especially when there is dinner and wine afterwards for participants!Last Wednesday, the Dukakis Center and FEAST Thessaloniki joined forces to host an innovative crowd-funding event at WE Thessaloniki. “A Taste of Change” was an unforgettable fun(d)raising event focusing on new social… More