


Interview with Dukakis Professor Simon Bensasson

You may have glimpsed him wandering around the campus this past year, tall, bearded, looking more like an ancient philosopher than an expert in European integration.Simon Bensasson, Anatolia Class of 1963, recently retired from a senior position at the European Commission, has spent 2012-13 as the Dukakis Visiting Professor in… More

Book presentation by Harris Mylonas

Thursday, June 20 • 19:00 p.m.IANOS Bookstore (7, Aristotelous Str.)The Michael and Kitty Dukakis Center for Public and Humanitarian ServiceCordially welcomes you to a book panelHarris MylonasElliott School of International AffairsGeorge Washington University“The Politics of Nation-Building:Making Co-Nationals, Refugees, and Minorities”(Cambridge University Press, 2013) More More

Dukakis Center welcomes renowned classicist Angelos Chaniotis

Angelos Chaniotis, Professor of Ancient History and Classics at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, was the featured speaker at the American College of Thessaloniki on April 17, with a humorous yet informative lecture on "Graffiti in ancient cities – Images and voices of daily life" in the Bissell Library,… More