


Dukakis Center hosts diplomatic duo for a session on US-Greek relations

Two visiting American diplomats spoke with ACT and study abroad students this past Thursday afternoon in an interactive session dedicated to the current state of US-Greek relations. Michele Siders, Political Counselor at the US Embassy in Athens, and Ross Johnston, Greece Desk Officer at the US Department of State in Washington,… More

Dukakis Center hosts post-election discussion with study abroad students

A group of 10 students from Salem State University in Massachusetts visited Thessaloniki in late May with their Professor, Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello, to observe local and European elections and learn first hand about politics and electioneering in Greece. The Dukakis Center, in the persons of Director David Wisner and ACT alumnus… More

The Dukakis Center at the European Think Tanks Summit

Dukakis Center director David Wisner traveled to Madrid, Spain, on April 10-13, to participate in the Seventh Annual European Think Tanks Summit following an invitation of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program, University of Pennsylvania (TTCSP), and the Real Instituto Elcano,Dr. Wisner’s invitation came on the heels of his… More

Dukakis Center poised to pass milestone

The Dukakis Center is tuning 20!To launch our birthday celebrations, the  Center has scheduled two major events in March. The first, to take place at the Municipality of Thessaloniki on March 9-10, is a mock national democratic convention for local high school and university students.The second event will also be… More