
The Dukakis Center covers the 2020 US general election

The Dukakis Center covers the 2020 US general election

Dukakis Center staff were busy during the past few weeks in the run up to, and aftermath of, the 2020 US general election.

The Center hosted two webinars for the general public, with election administration expert Charles Stewart of MIT on October 21, and with former Massachusetts Governor and Dukakis Center namesake Michael Dukakis on November 5 (link here). The latter event was co-hosted by Eliamep in the person of their General Director, George Pagoulatos.

Dukakis Center Director David Wisner appeared on local and national Greek media in the immediate aftermath, including an exclusive cameo with Pavlos Tsimas on SKAI TV on November 4.

The Dukakis Center has a 20-year legacy of covering American elections, starting withn a pre-election round table in November 2000 with Eugene Skolnikoff, former Presidential Science Advisor, and local experts.

Since then Dukakis Center interns have held voter registration drives, hosted debate watches, and liveblogged election returns. Staff members Lambrini Nassis and David Wisner have often appeared in local print and broadcast media, and have organized many public events during electoral campaigns. It is safe to say that the Center does as much as anyone in Thessaloniki to help younger voters prepare for local, national, and international elections and their aftermath.  

Most recently, on Super Tuesday in March 2020 the Dukakis Center hosted the Global Democratic Presidential Primary for American voters in Thessaloniki and Northern Greece, during which study abroad students were mobilized in another voter registration drive. 

Next on the election calendar: the inauguration of President Biden on January 20, 2021, and then the mid-term Congressional elections in November 2022.