
Dukakis Masterclass in Digital Deployment

A step-by-step guide to digital media and event management

With Pandelis Rafail, Founder, Deploy Digital (ACT class of 2013)

Training for, preparation of, and participation at a Dukakis Center event to take place on Monday evening, May 23, 7 -9 pm, at La Place mignonne (Ethnikis Aminis 4).

"Politics at the bistrot: How democratic are the Democratic primaries?"

The training, to take place Wednesday and Friday evenings, May 18 and 20, will extend to all aspects of cutting edge digital communications – blog, liveblogging, social media campaigns, livestreaming, Skype calls while livestreaming, recruitment and promotion. Up to five hours of free training sessions will cover content, design, targeting, and control panel administration (Facebook). Trainees will also propose their own sub-campaigns for the event. Additional IT tutorials will be available for the technically inclined on using a blog,and setting up liveblogging and livestreaming platforms.

Training content:

Facebook Campaign
Inbound Marketing
Content Marketing
Digital Marketing
Big Data
Behavior Analytics
Marketing Automation
Email Marketing

Opportunities exist for volunteers to fill the following roles during the event itself:

Camera man
IT person ( laptop and screen)
Sound man
Marketing team (Facebook, etc.)
Floor manager
Digital registrar


The event:

Politics at the bistrot: How democratic are the Democratic primaries?

When: Monday, May 23, 7-9 pm
Where: La Place mignonne, Ethnikis Aminis 4 (TBC)
What: Debate on US Democratic primaries, premiere of get-out-the-vote campaigns, selection of the best «Vote here» signs, mock exit poll, masterclass in social media, and more
Alec Mally (former US Consul General of Thessaloniki, Democrats Abroad Greece)
John Koenig, via Skype (Former US Ambassador to Cyprus, Democratic Party delegate, Washington state)
Michael Dukakis, via Skype (1988 Democratic Nominee for President of the United States, Northeastern University -- TBC)
Dimitris Savvaidis (AddArt)
George Siakas (University of Macedonia Research Institute)
Lansie Sylvia, via Skype (Here's My Chance, Philadelphia)

With the participation of the Greek Association of Political and Economic Science Students (GRAPESS)
the ACT Business Liaison, Career Services & Alumni Relations Office