
Dukakis Center takes part in News Decoder webinar

Interns at the Dukakis Center recently had the rather unique opportunity to take part in a webinar on the civil war in Syria, featuring three internationally reputed journalists collaborating with the Paris-based alternate news outlet News Decoder.

Students from some thirteen educational institutions globally attended the webinar to interact with Nadia Dala (Thomas More College Brussels), Harvey Morris (Reuters), and Jonathan Lyons (freelance) on what is happening in Syria and why it is important. The replay of the webinar is here.

News Decoder is the brain child of Nelson Graves, former Reuters Tokyo bureau chief. The project launched in 2015 to "foster global understanding by building a borderless community of young people keen to extend their horizons, learn about international affairs and challenge assumptions."

A handful of ACT students have been invited to take part in the pilot run of News Decoder coverage of current events, while junior George Bellidis has written material for the News Decoder team.