

ACT faculty member Christos Aliprantis wins visiting research fellowship at Princeton University and a Fulbright Grant at George Washington University

ACT Associate Professor Christos Aliprantis (Division of Humanities and Social Sciences) has won a visiting research fellowship at Princeton University's Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies. Between June 15 and August 15, 2025, Aliprantis will reside at Princeton and join the community of scholars in Hellenic Studies to carry out research… More

Super Tuesday and more at the Dukakis Center

As many as four billion people will vote in 2024. ACT (The American College of Thessaloniki) and the Dukakis Center at ACT did their modest part to add to that number this past March 5, 2024, also known as Super Tuesday throughout the United States. The Dukakis Center continued its… More

ACT Community celebrates Spirit Day

On Thursday, February 22nd, 2024, Sparrowhawk pride was enthusiastically displayed by those who attended and participated in ACT Spirit Day. Students and faculty members came together in a celebratory mood and as a community with shared experiences and common values fostered by the academic and student life at the ACT.… More


On Thursday, 22 February, 2024, Dora Tsogia and Thodoros Theodosopoulos, Anatolia class of 1987 classmates, talked about their creative collaboration that began during the pandemic. Dora is a Clinical Psychologist-Psychotherapist and Playwright. Theodore is a Professor of Mathematics and Researcher in Academia in San Francisco. He is also a poet and… More

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